Pinkamena Diane Pie

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"Pinkimiena Diane Pie! It's time for supper! Wash up before you come in," hollered Aunt Magenta Pie.

Pinkamena lived a sad life. She woke up at 5 a.m. every morning, ate her breakfast of porridge every morning, worked on the rock farm harvesting rocks, took her lunch break and ate a daisy sandwich everyday, went back to work until 4 p.m. when she was called to dinner, washes up, does her chores, and goes to bed. She repeats this same mundane routine everyday.

"PINKAMENA!" A shout made her flinch. She lowered herself to the ground and crept around the corner into the living room. A colt sat in a worn out armchair with empty beer cans all around him, one in his hove.

"Y-Yes, Uncle?" Pinkamena stuttered, fearing what was coming.

He threw a beer can at her head and shouted, "Stop stuttering! I thought I told you to talk like a normal pony ages ago!"

She nodded with her head behind her pink hair, which had lost some of its brightness.

"Did'ya scrub the floors today?"

A nod.

"What about the curtains? Did you wash them?"



"I forgot! I'm sorry! I was really busy today!" Pinkamena wailed.

"Forgot?" He said suddenly calm. "I'LL TEACH YOU TO FORGET!"

He grabbed her by her hair and dragged her upstairs. He struck her face. Again. And again. After her usual beating was over, he threw her into her room by her hair again, and slammed her bedroom door.

Pinkamena curled up into a ball and hid under her covers. As she was drifting off to sleep, voices bounced threw her head from her aunt and uncle.

'Your real family didn't want you. We adopted you from an orphanage because we felt sorry for you. We took you in, fed you, and have you a job out of the goodness of out hearts. And this is how you repay us?'


The next morning, after she ate her porridge she went out to the farm like every other day. But this time, as she was hacking away at a big pile of rocks, they just fell away creating a hole leading to a cave. She cautiously and slowly went in. It was pitch black. But then, a faint blue glow was coming from the end. As she went over there, the floor fell in leaving her trapped down there for three days.

"Help! Help please! Somepony!" Pinkamena wailed.

After crying herself to sleep for what seemed like hours, she dreamt a very strange dream.

"Pinkamena... Pinka... Pinki... Pinkie... Pinkie Pie..." A voice echoed throughout the cave that made shivers crawl up her spine.

"Y-yes? Who's there? Can you help me find a way out?" Pinkamena asked shakily.

"Hmmmmm.. Maybe... Maybe not... It all depends on how well you behave. Be a good little filly and show me your face."

Pinkamena knew she had to obey otherwise she might never find a way out without this beings help. So she uncurled out of her ball and lifted her chin up. There she saw her reflection. But, something was different. It looked just like her but her hair was no longer curly, but straight. She went to feel her own hair and so did it. But her hair was curly still. Then the being said, "I'll help you get out of here, if you help me."

"What do you mean?" Asked Pinkamena.

"You see, I need a form or body to get out of these caves. I've been down here for far too long. I'll use your body to get out. By getting myself out, you'll be out as well. You've been down here for three days already Pinkie Pie. Anymore and you could die."

"Why do you call me Pinkie Pie?" Inquired Pinkamena.

"You have to take on the name as your new identity because I'm taking yours. You must always act happy. If you give anyone any clues about me, I'll take over your body completely. I am known as a form taker. You must always do as I say from now on or you know the consequences. Are you in?"

"I don't think so," Pinkamena said slowly. "I want me to myself."

"You will die down here then. Nobody would ever find you."

After a long while, Pinkam- I mean, Pinkie Pie agreed to this terrible offer. Pinkamena Diane Pie led her out and into the blinding light. Before Pinkie could even say 'party', Pinkamena poured into Pinkie's mouth, momentarily suffocating her. She lay shaking in the ground, until it was just the occasional twitch. Standing up shakily, she all the sudden had two voices in her head. Two thoughts, two beings.

'Why did I have to go in the cave?' Pinkie thought to herself, or herselves.


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