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Season 1, Episode 1

Title: To the Waters and the Wild



Kids in the Corner by Amber Van Day plays in the headphones of Belle Peters as she walks behind her twin, passing various people standing around talking to their friends about the exciting new school year and about things they learned over the summer, not to mention, what they did over the summer, trying to make their friends jealous.

We're a product of a system in a world that never listens

To the messed up truth

We're a burden and a blessing and we keep you second-guessing

That's what we do, yeah

We're the kids in the corner

Wear our heroes on our clothes

Together we feel a little warmer

'Cause we're the only ones who knows

That we all cry from time to time

In the dark, our eyes still shine

'Cause we're the kids in the corner

All our heroes never die

We will be who we want to be

Make heroes of you and me

We live for the revelry

Belle stops next to a building, glancing at it before looking back down to her phone to see the reminder she set go off, interrupting her song for a split second.


Yeah, so let me hear you say

We will be who we want to be

Make heroes of you and me

We live for the revelry

We're the kids in the corner

Wear our heroes on our clothes

Together we feel a little warmer

'Cause we're the only ones who knows

That we all cry from time to time

In the dark, our eyes still shine

'Cause we're the kids in the corner

All our heroes never die


Belle glances around, but seeing her sister talk to somebody as she randomly walks around, she just starts walking towards where she thinks Stella's going to be, having a feeling that Stella would find her soon enough even if she went to the wrong place. Although Belle isn't a bookworm like the girl she was named after, she still doesn't notice that someone's almost in front of her until she bumps into them and looks up to sigh, seeing a guy in front of her. A very hot guy, if anyone wanted to know. Dark brown hair, grey-ish green eyes, and tanned skin.

He smirks, noticing her checking him out and does the same as she takes her headphones off. She wears a simple pair of black skinny jeans, a black tank top under a loose black partially see-through crop top, a black headband pushing any stray hairs that missed her high ponytail back, a pair of black converse with black laces, and two pieces of jewelry. The first being a black beaded dragon head charm bracelet that she bought for herself when she was fifteen. The second being an Avatar the Last Airbender Firebender Necklace made completely of metal.

"Hi. I'm Riven, and you are?" he holds out his hand.

"Belle." She shakes his hand and notes how cold his hands are, something she loves in a potential friend.

"Like Beauty and the Beast?" he asks with barely hidden amusement.

"Yep, except I don't need a fairytale ending," Belle smirks.

"I like you. Now where are you headed?" Riven asks her.

"To meet a girl named Stella at Alfea Gates, but she wasn't there, so I followed my twin in and somehow lost her." Belle admits.

"Well, Stella is over there, but what does your twin look like?" Riven asks.

"Just like me, except she has all orange hair, blue eyes, and doesn't really wear black." Belle shrugs at the shock on his face, as most fairy twins look exactly the same. She frowns slightly, noting the fact that the magic, the anger within her, seems to quiet in his presence.

"Well, let me help you find her." Riven says, glancing around, and inwardly groaning when he sees her with his best friend, Sky.

"She's over there, if you want to walk with her to Stella, who is over there." he points, pausing. "You're a fairy, right?" he asks, hoping he's not wrong with his assumption.

"You're right." Belle smiles, her eyes on the blonde guy talking to her sister.

"Let me guess, you're into blondes too?" Riven asks as they walk towards them.

"No. I'm into the bad boy type." Belle says and Riven gestures for her to be quiet as he sneaks up behind Sky and interruptes their conversation.

"Quit perving on the first years." Riven says, and although she can't help but follow behind her sister, she looks back at him.

"Riv, just give me one second. Yeah?" Sky says, turning to face Riven, not knowing that Bloom has already walked away.

"Why? You gonna chase her?" Riven asks, gesturing to the two girls, seeing Belle look back at him and mouth, "Call me." to which Riven just nods and smirks.

"Bloom, Belle." Stella says as the twins approach her.

"Yeah. You must be Stella." Bloom says nervously.

"It's Ellie." Belle says, not wanting Stella to call her by her name, something she prefers that only a select few people call her by.

"Hi. I was ... waiting. I just ... got impatient." Bloom continues, and chuckles, as if Belle never said a word.

"How very American of you. Shall we?" Stella walks away, leaving the pair to follow behind her, Belle holding tightly onto her suitcase, which is, of course, black, and her laptop case, which is across her body and black as well.

"Miss Dowling tells me this is your first time in the Otherworld." Stella says as she leads the pair through the school. "I hope your trip was painless." Stella says, talking to Bloom, as Belle could care less what she wanted to talk about unless it has something to do with her.

"Miss Dowling gave me a time and location where there'd be a gateway. It was in the middle of nowhere, so it wasn't convenient." Bloom says, something Belle remembers hearing the entire time to get to the gateway.

Not convenient.

Too far.

Can you carry me?

"The headmistress likes to do things by the book, and keeping your world a secret from ours is chapter one, no matter how inconvenient it may be." Stella informs them, though Belle didn't complain. "But, if either of you ever want to go back ..." she shows the pair her ring, which glows as she shows it to them.

"That's a whole lot of ring." Bloom says, and Stella nods.

"Family heirloom. Gateway ring. The only thing that keeps you sane in this place is the ability to leave it." Stella says with a faraway look in her eyes. "Your world may not always be thrilling, but it beats this one." Stella says, continuing to walk, leading them through the courtyard. "There are seven realms in the Otherworld, each a different kind of boring." Stella stops talking, letting the pair look around as they still follow her.

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