Start from the beginning

Fuck... fuck it I'll send you
money, stay at a hotel for now,
and I'll see what I can do.
7:08 PM

You have a mask?
7:08 PM

Yep. I have a backpack, too.
7:08 PM

How many months are you?
7:08 PM

7 months
7:09 PM

Know the gender of the baby?
7:09 PM

Yep but I decided that
they can tell me when
they know what their
gender is
7:09 PM

Mmm yep, well, I can
figure something out.
It's either you want to
stay there or come to
California and live with
me until we can find
an apartment for you
7:10 PM

If you stay in Florida,
I'll move in and help you
with the baby and everything
7:10 PM

I honestly want to move back
to Hawaii. I have friends there
and I just feel more comfortable
7:11 PM

Well, we have actually have
a cousin over there in Georgia
now that I remember...? Let me
call them and ask if you can
stay with them, yeah?
7:11 PM

I'll take a plane over there,
bring you some clothes and such
and I'll help. Then when you can
go back to Hawaii, I'll buy you your
ticket, find you an apartment, help
you move in, and just help you until
you can find a job, yeah?
7:13 PM

yea that'll be fine
7:13 PM

thank for helping me amber
7:13 PM

u really are the best older
sister so thank you :)
7:13 PM

alright, you have PayPal?
or anything that I can send
the money to?
7:14 PM

7:14 PM

I'll send you a pic
7:15 PM

[image inserted]
7:16 PM

There i sent you about $130
and if you need more just tell
me. I'll talk to our cousin. Meanwhile,
if you see a woman with kids,
you can ask them to give you a ride
but if they don't, don't ride
with a stranger, especially a man
7:16 PM

Im not dumb Amber
7:17 PM

i know you're not but just
be careful I'll call our cousin
7:17 PM

Amber did call her cousin. They lived in Florida and not Georgia. She sighed and face planted on her bed, not before she texted her sister. Though, their cousin, Kendall, did mention that they can go and pick her up and take care of her until Amber does come. Well, if Amber can go since they were all in fact in the middle of a pandemic still.

As she was in bed, chewing on her lip, she felt her phone vibrate and saw Dream had texted her a simple "Minecraft? :D". She quickly responded a "yes," in hopes that it will distract her. She was still checking up on her sister who quickly told her a nice woman with two younger kids had offered to drop her off at a nearby hotel that she could stay in.

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