"Who do you think it is?...." I nervously asked, scared that my growing feelings for a certain fox were oh so obvious.

"Suna," She scoffed, "Duh."

"Is it that obvious?!" I burst out, eyes flinging open.

"Damn I'm good." She congratulated herself, "And just a little. But I mean he eats up every time he looks at you. You may not notice his feelings but the rest of us do. And somehow he doesn't notice yours either. "

"What you think he likes me?!" I yelped, my nerves getting the better of me. 

"Oh, hun that's painfully obvious!" She rolled her eyes, waving her petite hand through the air, "But I'd hurry, there are a hundred other girls with their eyes on him!"

"But..." I sighed, "We made this agreement thing...Lonely together."

"Keyword together." She cooed, "He likes you (Y/N)."

My mind flashed back to the night we spent on his roof, smoking, and drinking as if there was nothing between us, counting the stars in hopes of finding a lover. The way he looked at me in the pale starlight was nothing special at the moment, but now that I think about it, his eyes had A longingness to them, once I felt like I knew but couldn't quite put my finger on.

"No." I shook my head, not wanting to believe a word she was saying, "It's not like that I'm sure. I just have a tiny crush on him and there's no way he's into me!"

"So you do admit you have a crush on the Suna Rintouro?" Yuki teased, brushing a piece of hair out of her face.

I simply rolled my eyes and huffed at her, "I gotta get to class. See ya around bestie."

"See ya around bestie." She softly replied, giving me a simple pat on the back.

As I left the locker room I was cautious of who was around me, not wanting to accidentally run into Rin. It not like I was nervous or embarrassed to be around him, I just wasn't ready for a confrontation right now. I glanced at every face around me, I probably looked paranoid as fuck. As I continued to look around my eyes caught a pair that were slightly bloodshot, a little more tired than they should be while attending school. A made a break for it in the other direction, I must have gotten lucky as my class was this way. I didn't have any classes with Rin until the third period, the second to last period of the day. I slipped into class, seeing a familiar face and crafting a new plan, "Aran!" I called out, taking a seat next to the volleyball player, "You have the second period with Rin right?"

"Suna?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, "Yeah, why?"

"Can you do me a favor?" I asked, batting my eyes at him, "Just distract rin after the second period as long as you can please! It would such a help."

He placed his hand on his chin thinking it over for a minute, "Yeah seems simple enough. But you owe me."

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