Sadness engulps

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                            One morning, they're just doing the usual things that they're doing but an unexpected thing happened that afternoon. Krystal was being called by the head guardian of the orphanage, so they both looked at each other and one thing that comes in to their minds the day that they fear that will happen. 

So Krystal who is ready walk to the head guardian's office she was stopped by her and walked along with her, she went with Krystal up to the head guardian's office. She sits down and waited for her, Krystal smiled before she enters the office.

                             She is getting anxious on what is happening inside since Krystal is taking such a long time inside the head guardian's office. With this happening right now she's overthinking a lot of things are running into her mind and she is feeling scared. She is thinking that the time that she fears is already happening with that it saddens her. 

She face palmed about the thought that she is thinking. Then she sensed that there's someone looking at her she looked the direction where the door of the head guardian's office and there she saw Krystal looking sad but then changes all of a sudden. She stood up and walked towards Krystal then Krystal walks towards to her as well.

"Hey Krystal what did head guardian told you? Is that something good or bad?"

Then Krystal gives a slight smile

"It's nothing to worry about Amber. Let's go and eat I want to spend time with you more." 

Krystal smiles brightly than before.

I just smiled back to her but I deep inside that there's something I just shrug it away, I know that Krystal will tell it if there's something that I need to know and we walk towards the kitchen. 

Krystal looked for omma Victoria she's the one who is responsible in cooking. Krystal saw omma Vic and ask to makes us sandwiches.

"Omma can I ask for you to make us sandwiches that we can eat for snacks?"

Omma Vic jokes around and pretended that she didn't want to,

"No I can't. I'm busy."

              With that Krystal did her signature move that will make Vic omma fall to what Krystal asked for she did an aegyo she showed her cutest face to omma. Omma can't hold her smile so she ends up making us sandwiches. 

Once the sandwiches are done we went outside. We sat down to one of the garden benches and we ate the sandwiches and in between bites we talked like the usual. 


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