"Sorry for calling you out here, Kotarou. I just wanted to give you some chocolates for Valentine's Day."

"Oh, (Y/N)! You shouldn't have troubled yourself!"

"It's no trouble at all! I wanted to try handing out chocolates this year, and of course you're someone I want to give some to."

"Ah, that's not what I meant. You see, NTR is one thing, but emotional cheating—"

"No, you idiot! These are giri choco. And would you stop twisting my pure intentions!?"

"Damn you, Zura!" he thought to himself, leaving the scene and dragging himself over to the pachinko parlor. 


Two hours later, he emerged from the parlor, still pissed that a certain long-haired idiot had gotten chocolates before he did. To his dismay, he once again came across (Y/N) handing someone a box of chocolates. And this time, the recipient was Hijikata. He begrudgingly observed them from afar, once again absolutely HATING the fact that she was good friends with the mayonnaise-obsessed cop; apparently they had met at a bar one evening and shared a long night of conversation over drinks?

"What is there even to talk about with a boring loser like him?" Gintoki muttered to himself, watching his beloved hand over the gift. Seeing Hijikata accept it with an uncharacteristically sheepish expression, he felt a strong urge to jump out from behind his hiding spot and assault the policeman with his wooden sword.

"Gin-san? There's a letter for you..."

Lost in his thoughts, he jolted at Shinpachi's voice. Looking up, he saw the boy holding out an envelope. Suddenly, a small feeling of hope began to grow in his mind. Could it be? He eagerly ripped the envelope and unfolded the paper inside:

Dear Kintoki,

So I received a box of chocolates this morning from (Y/N)-chan, and I want to send her a word of thanks. I didn't think she'd be the type to celebrate Valentine's Day, did you? What a cutie! I don't know her address, though; can you tell her for me instead? Ooh! Before I forget, while you're at it, can you also visit Oryo-chan at Club Smile and tell her I—

"GO TELL HER YOURSELF YOU SHITHEAD! AND MY NAME ISN'T KINTOKI, DAMMIT!" Gintoki yelled, tearing up the letter. Somehow he could just HEAR Sakamoto's obnoxious laughter. Sighing, he left his desk and headed for the front entrance. "Shinpachi, Kagura, I'm heading out for a bit."

"Buy me some more sukonbu on the way back!" Kagura called, immediately reaching for the remote. Gintoki hadn't let her turn on the TV the whole day, knowing that the news channel would be filled with nothing but Valentine's Day-related reports. Meanwhile, Shinpachi collapsed back onto the opposite couch, soul visibly leaving his body.

Gintoki headed for the usual family restaurant, thinking a parfait would be the perfect cure for his unhappy feelings. En route, he had to pause temporarily to fend off an overly eager Sacchan, who was for some reason covered head-to-toe in chocolate. Trying to avoid thinking anymore about Valentine's Day, he focused his attention on the three parfaits he had just ordered in front of him, and he quickly began to spoon large bites into his mouth. 

 Sensing someone taking a seat across from him, he paused to look up.

"If you were going to order three, why didn't you at least get different flavors?" (Y/N) asked, watching him with a smile and hands under her chin. "I know you love strawberry the most, but don't you like the chocolate one, too?"

Gintoki glared at her. "What are you doing here?"

"It was pretty easy to guess where you'd be moping around at."

"Who said I was moping around?"

"Well, for starters, you just ordered three parfaits for yourself."

Gintoki couldn't deny that. "What do you want?"

(Y/N) gave him a big smile. "Alright, I'm done being mean. Here." She reached in her bag and pulled out a box to hand to Gintoki.

He looked at her with suspicion. "What's this?"

"What do you think?"

"For me?"

"Yeah, stupid, it's for you. Did you really think I wasn't going to give you any?"

Gintoki flushed with embarrassment and opened his mouth to say something snappy in response. But the words wouldn't come out. "Well, I just—I mean—you said—"

"Riiiiight, well, anyways, this was my first time handing out Valentine's Day chocolates, and it was surprisingly fun! I also have some for Shinpachi-kun and Kagura-chan. Here." (Y/N) reached into her bag once more and pulled out two more boxes. "There's one for each of you, so don't go fighting over them, all right?"

Gintoki saltily grunted in response and resumed eating his parfaits.

"And now that you have no reason to be unhappy anymore, give me one, will you?" (Y/N) reached over and took one of the cups.

"Man, why did you make me pay?" (Y/N) grumbled as the two of them left the restaurant, sadly peering into her wallet.

"Shall I remind you? One, you left me hanging the other day. Two, you stole one of my parfaits. And three, consider this to be like a White Day-type of thing—"

"Shall I remind you that you were being a jerk last week? And that's not how White Day works..."

The two adults walked back to the Yorozuya, where (Y/N) said she'd take her leave for the night.

"You sure you don't want to come up?" Gintoki asked.

"Why? You're feeling lonely?" she responded with a smirk. Seeing him glare at her, she laughed. "I'm just joking, geez. I'd love to, but I have to wake up early for work tomorrow...'

"What, you're afraid that I'm gonna—" Gintoki slung an arm around her shoulder and lowered his voice to whisper in her ear. "—keep you up all night?" After a whole day of being teased, it was time to flip the switch.

(Y/N) felt her cheeks heat up and was thankful that the dimness of the evening light helped shield her embarrassment. "You're so dumb," she grumbled, pushing his arm off and turning around to start heading back to her place. "See you later," she called, waving her arm in the air.

Later that night, after having taken a shower and pulled out the futon for bed, Gintoki sat on top of the covers, holding the box (Y/N) had given him. He carefully unwrapped the ribbon and opened the lid, revealing a set of homemade chocolates. Seeing that all the pieces followed some sort of strawberry-related theme, he let out a small laugh. Somehow he could just picture her frantically running around in her kitchen, trying to multitask but also make each and every piece as flawless as possible.

Gintoki closed the box and gently placed it on the floor next to him. Plopping down onto the futon with a satisfied sigh, he thought to himself:

"Damn, these better be honmei."

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