-Olivia really said "let's send a little letter everything WILL be fine"

"no-no" he dropped the piece of paper looking up to Draco, who looked very interested in what was on the letter. Pansy picked it up and started reading it out loud, still trying to comprehend what was happening

"she's alive" Peter looked back at Draco as he stormed out of the room in anger disappearing from the view

"well a way to change a night" Blaise snorted picking more pastries and shoving up his mouth as Elizabeth hit him on his head, "don't be an idiot," she said

"I know you love me" he snickered laying on her thighs as she pushed him off, "I hate you" she replied

"Is she okay?" Elizabeth said

"two kids" Pansy read the sentence looking back at us, "I didn't know they loved each other like that," she said

"he's probably manipulating her and making her do things" Peter grabbed the letter looking over again,

"nonsense" Tom was standing on the doorway of his dorm, with a coat on his hands waiting for Charlotte to go back to visit Elora and Silas  for New Years, "my brother might be a maniac with a bad temper, but he would never hurt someone he loves more than himself," he told Peter

"How would you know that after all, you are the son of" he pulled up his sleeve showing his mark looking disgusted

"I spent my days seeing El and Silas grow up in a happy household, don't you dare to say something about my parents, I'm not like them" he dropped his coat making his way up to Peter

"Is that why she left you to be with Mattheo?" Peter told Tom as he threw the first punch, making him land on his back on the floor as Tom stood on top of him

"you son of a bitch" Peter wiped the blood from his nose, sitting on the floor laughing. Blaise jumped out of Elizabeth's hugs, taking a step back not wanting to get involved

"you knew the whole time?" Pansy asked Tom, looking in his direction with a bloody hand

"next time ill ki-" he tries to stay but Charlotte stops him as she walks out of the door staring at what just happened

"god Tom you are such a baby, I leave you alone for a second and come back to you beating your friends up" she colored her hair recently, turned it into blonde highlights and a lighter color on the roots, "what is going on anyways" she looks around everyone sitting quietly now and Pansy helping Peter to get up

"Nothing, let's go Mattheo is head over heels with the twins" Tom mutters grabbing Charlotte's scarf and wrapping it around her shoulders, then disappearing

-daddy Tom.


A year since Olivia sent a letter to her friends, a year later since Peter decided not to bring up her name in conversations, a year later since all of them graduated and went their ways, but the war still got them together

Lucius spent to time but trying to find his daughter but his hatred for muggles made it even harder since he didn't want to talk or associate with any of them

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