one <3

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New York City was just how I remembered it as a child the lights, the buildings, the people. I hadn't been to New York since I was thirteen. It was odd, all my friends had grown up and the new talk of the city, well for at least my generation was Gossip Girl. I'd moved away from New York when my Mother decided she wanted to live in Paris.

My parents had been going through a divorce and as expected my mother had won custody. Although, me and my Dad didn't get along great so I was okay with it.

For the first time in my Mother's,, she was single and she wanted to be in Paris. I went along with it because I knew my mother was heartbroken and I was optimistic.

I mean Paris is full of opportunities. It's the city of love and it's where people truly live and I needed that. I needed a place to let loose for a few years.

But, arriving back in New York was like a breath of fresh air. This is the city of scandal and I could do myself a little drama. Not to be part of but just to observe.

While my Mother was bossing around our new Maid, carefully telling her how she wanted everything to run through the penthouse I went to my old friend Serena's. When she had heard I was coming back she insisted I visit her. I admit, who else is going to fill me in on what I missed.

My phones buzzes and I grab it out of my pocket 'spotted Marina Warren making her way back into town. I wonder what her intentions are?' Ugh why did I not expect this?

Once I arrive at Serena's I am greeted by Lily. "Marina, ugh you're finally back! I must say New York is not the same without you".

"Oh thank you Lily, I have to agree things here seemed to have gone a bit sour since I left" I say charmingly.

"Marina! I missed you so much!" Serena runs in, hugging me tight.

I skip the greetings "Care to fill me in on what I've missed love"

"Typical. Have you even missed me?!" Serena says sarcastically. "Of course hun".

We walk up to her room to talk. "So how's Blair" I ask.

"We are not really on the best terms at the minute"

"Whats happened this time? I swear you two can not go two minutes without getting into a cat fight. It's a dangerous relationship"

"I may have slept with Nate a while back, right before I left town and I guess Nate finally decided to tell her"

"You slept with your best friend's boyfriend? I'm sorry S, I'm trying really hard here not to judge you"

"I know what I did was wrong and I regret it so much if I could change the past I would trust me M. But I just need Blair to forgive me."

We talk for a little longer as Serena catches me up on what's going on in Constance. That's one thing I haven't missed, school. The school itself is a scandal.

She also fills me in on a special someone, if you consider Dan Humphrey something special. He doesn't seem her type, but whatever floats her boat.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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