t w e n t y - s i x

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Sam rallied the Glee club as Jamie handed each member a paint roller or paint brush, Arabella and Kara holding buckets of paint. Marina ran back to the group, panting. "Sorry I'm late guys, I was getting changed." Marina mumbled. She wore a pair of old black leggings and a black hoodie, plain trainers on her feet. Her hair was pulled back into a small ponytail, the large paintbrush wormed around her ear.

"You look so normal." Tina gaped.

"She looks like this quite often in Dalton." Kara informed.

They all stood in front of the wall of graffiti, moving forward with determined smiles on their faces. Each person stood at an area on the wall, beginning to paint over all of the graffiti. They continued, showing ranging amounts of enthusiasm as they did so.

Marley jokingly tapped Jake with the paint brush, getting paint on the boy. He gave her a shocked look. Kitty then smirked, purposefully getting paint on Tina, who jumped away in fright and annoyance. Ryder then covered Marley's nose in the paint, yelling, "Paint fight!"

Everyone began to throw the paint on each other, using the brushes and rollers to their advantage. By the end of it, there was not one person who wasn't covered in the substance. Marina's hair and face were covered, as were her shoes and clothes, the same for the others. They were all laughing and having fun.

The four were driving in Arabella's car that day, the blonde insisting they all placed her waterproof seat covers down to avoid covering the seats in paint. They did as she asked, sitting rigidly in place as she drove. "So... Sectionals." Marina sighed, "What's gonna happen if you don't win?"

"End of the New Directions." Kara sighed, "What about the Warblers?"

"Our boys are all seniors- it's their last chance." Arabella informed.

"Well, you three, I mentioned it to Blaine, and I've mentioned it to my uncle: last year, the Trouble Tones," Marina stopped as Arabella quickly filled the pair in on the all-girl group, "They lost at Sectionals and Mr. Schue let them perform once per competition. If Hunter's okay with it- and of course, there will be conditions, I might be able to help you lot if you lose."

"Wait so.... A New Directions-Warbler super group?" Jamie asked.

Marina nodded. "But a Warbler-New Directions super group. We'd probably do one acapella, one instrumental and one with a mix." She explained as they arrived at Dalton.

Jamie rushed off first, muttering about how much detangler they would need to get the paint out. Arabella left next, Kara in tow, going to help the other get rid of all the paint. Arms wrapped around Marina. "Hey, Princess." Hunter mumbled. "Painting?"

Marina laughed, turning in his arms to face him. "Yeah." She scanned his clothing, "I'm so glad you've just got paint on normal clothes that isn't your uniform." He placed a hand on Marina's cheek, caressing it with his thumb. "Help me with the paint?"

"Of course." Hunter guided Marina up to his room, running a bath in his bathroom (each dorm had one as well as a communal one that nobody ever uses) while Marina pulled the paint-stained clothes off of her, pulling her hair out of its ponytail.

When the bath was fully filled and to the right temperature, Marina climbed in as Hunter moved to locate clothes from his closet the girl could wear. He got a pair of her black leggings and one of his jumpers- it was way too big for Marina, the collar often slipping off one shoulder.

Marina scrubbed the paint off her face and arms, dipping her hair under the water as she tried to get it out. When Hunter came back into the bathroom, he laughed softly, running his hands through the girl's paint-coated hair in an attempt to get it out. He grabbed some of their shared apple scented shampoo, pouring it onto his hand and rubbing it into the girl's hair. The paint slowly came out, the girl sighing in relief as it occurred.

Hunter helped her get dried and dressed, pressing small kisses to the girl's forehead or cheek whenever he could. Marina often leaned up to press a kiss to his jaw, giggling every time his jumper fell off her shoulder. "Keep it like that." Hunter whispered, kissing her shoulder. He pulled her onto the bed, the pair tangled within themselves and the large comforters as they slipped into a state of unconsciousness.

The next morning, Blaine called Marina to tell her to meet him where the trophy was being stored as he and Sam were coming to collect it. He informed her there was a practice for Sectionals, and Arabella, Jamie, and Kara were all already at McKinley. Marina dressed into her superhero costume, meeting Blaine in the room. He gave her a high five, greeting her.

He picked up their trophy with a grin, putting the blazer Hunter offered in its place. He placed a handwritten note on top, the words saying 'No Thanks'. Blaine ran up to the window, looking down at Sam who also stood in costume. He threw the trophy into the blonde's arms, Blaine beginning to climb down from the balcony.

Marina was behind him, ushering him down from the balcony. She stayed standing on the balcony, facing the door for when Hunter and Sebastian entered. They did, looking to the empty case to Marina, who smirked at them. She waved, backflipping from the balcony onto the grass below.

Marina ran to Sam and Blaine, the trophy in their arms as they ran fast and far from Dalton academy, Hunter and Sebastian watching them from the balcony. The trio changed back into normal clothes, bringing their trophy back to the choir room.

The trio stood proudly as Sam held the trophy, looking to the members of the New Directions. "Guys, it was epic. Dalton was like Death Star meets Mordor meets Temple of Doom. I mean, I might be exaggerating, but probably not." Sam explained happily.

"I owe all of you an apology for ever doubting McKinley's my home. You guys are my home. We've got a real fight ahead of us with the Warblers at Sectionals, but I am not worried at all. Because we've got the team, we've got the talent, and we have, most importantly, the leader." Blaine stated as Finn entered the room, handing the trophy back to him.

Marina's phone blared loudly through the room. She stared at the caller ID, rolling her eyes. "You mention the Warblers and they call." She muttered to Sam and Blaine, walking out of the choir room to answer the call. It was a group call between her and the boys, each one speaking loudly.

"Mari, Bas told me what happened." Thad said excitedly.

"You backflipped from the balcony!" Nick and Jeff chorused, amazement in their voice.

"I did." Marina confirmed.

"It was dangerous." Hunter stated.

"Very." Sebastian agreed.

"By the way, guys," Trent began, his voice sad, "I can't make it to Sectionals. I have an out-of-town test for college."

"Already? Trent, you genius!" They all chorus happily.

"Sorry, boys, but I have to go." Marina said apologetically, hanging up after they all said their goodbyes.

Marina stood at the door of the choir room, smiling at the scene. "Okay, come on, huddle up. Next week at Sectionals, we are gonna kick some Warblers' sorry asses." Finn stated.

Marina chuckled, "Debatable. Can I join the show circle?" Finn and Blaine let the girl in, grinning.

"And then it's Regionals, and then it's Nationals, and then this year is gonna go down in the McKinley High record books as the greatest year the New Directions Has ever seen. Onwards and upwards!" He yelled as they all threw their hands into the middle.


• MARINA • Hunter Clarington-BOOK TWO✔Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum