Chapter 1 - The Interview

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Niall's pov


We were all hanging out in the dressing room waiting to go onstage for yet another boring interview, i mean seriously get some new questions! I am sick of the same questions interview after interview...

I was brought out of my thoughts by a huge-Crash! i jumped up off my seat on the couch to see Louis staring sheepishly at me and the rest of the lads, i looked down to his feet to see several broken teacups, that silly boy.

"Lou, what the hell mate, what happened!?", Whoa Liam never swears he must have gotten either scared or really pissed, you can never tell with him. Lou looked really embarassed and mumbled an answer, i then spoke up, "What was that mate, we couldn't hear ya," He looked up from the ground and spoke a little louder this time, "I was standing in front of the table, i had just set my cup down and i turned back around and my ass hit the tray of teacups and they fell off the table." Lou was bright red after finishing his story awww bless him, he should definitely consider renaming himself the AssMasta, instead of SassMasta..

Harry then ran to his side to comfort him, "Awwww Boo it's ok, i'm sure it was an accident, it's not your fault," He ran his hands through Lou's hair and that sparked something inside of me, jealousy? wtf was i jealous of Lou and Haz right now? No i can't be, i'm probably just hungry, yeah that's it, i mean i'm Niall Horan i'm always hungry, i'm sure that's all it is....

I was once again brought out of my thoughts, this time by a red-headed stage hand poking her head through the door, "Ummm guys we're ready for you now.." she said nervously. Great, here we go yippee, please notice the sarcasm, i better get my Nandos after this..


Harry pov


After comforting Lou, i happened to glance over at my adorable leprachaun-wait did i just call him adorable?? no that's not what i meant, oh what the hell, i totally fancy that blonde Irish lad, his captivating eyes that are the most intrigueing blue i have ever seen. But anyway, he's not mine, i wish he was though-and he seemed to be having an internal arguement with himself. I wish i could find out if he felt the same way about me as i did him..

Who am i kidding, he's Niall freaking Horan, he's not gay, or even bi for that matter, he's got girls falling at his feet, not that he really seems to notice, he's waiting for his princess, and i'm sure he wouldn't settle for a prince...

Anyway as i was silently checking him out, a young stage hand poked her head through the door and told us they were ready for us, great another repetitive interview...

We all filed out of our dressing room Liam going first followed by Zayn, then Lou, then me and Nialler went last, still seemingly lost in his thoughts. We all walked out onto the stage and sat down on the usual couch that only fits four so one of us has to sit on the armrest, i plopped down along with, Li, Zee, and Lou, and pulled Nialler down onto my lap so he wouldn't be uncomfortable. He looked at me questioningly before shrugging and relaxing back into my chest as i wrapped my arms around him. He sighed in content and seemed to nestle further into my lap, i smiled to myself, i think i've fallen hard for our little Nialler, i don't know what to do anymore, what if i tell him and ruin our friendship i couldn't handle it if i didnt have him...


Nialler pov


Haz pulled me down onto his lap, and at first i was confused as to why he did that, but it was actually really nice, Harry happens to be very cuddly so i nestled myself further into him and sighed in content, i was really comfortable. We all looked expectantly at our interviewer, i think her name was Donna or something, she was older, like maybe mid-30's and she was pretty i guess, i'm not really into the whole cougar thing though.

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