Her Own Apollo

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They entered the bar. It was vintage and it seemed to be devoted to the heroes of the war against Mevolent. On a table in the corner were seated Dexter, Saracen, Tanith, Fletcher and The Monster Hunters. When Valkyrie and Skulduggery approached, everyone's mouths dropped open. Vex hurried to Skulduggery to look at him closely and then hugged him.

"I never though I would see this face again!" He quickly went back to his seat so that nobody could see the tears forming in his eyes. Saracen and Tanith cheered like 5 year olds and Fletcher and The Monster Hunters couldn't speak.

Finally, Valkyrie and Skulduggery sat at the table. Saracen raised a hand and everyone looked at him. "Now that Skulduggery has a body again...." he drumrolled on the table "he can get drunk". Everyone cheered and Valkyrie couldn't help but laugh.

The bartender brought a whole round of shots and everyone started drinking. The Dead Men were dancing, singing and telling old war stories and Valkyrie sat and observed it all.

She finally realised how beautiful Skulduggery was. He was handsome from the depth of his eyes to the gentle expression of his voice. She loved the way his voice quickened when he was excited and how his eyes sparkled when he remembered a moment he was fond of. His eyes brought intensity and mystery, his skin was the perfect shade, his abs could be seen through his suit and his figure was the handsomest she had ever seen. His mouth was surrounded by two cute dimples and his lips looked like they were carved from rubies. She longed to press those lips to hers and touch those abs. She wanted this Apollo to be hers and no one else's.

Tanith moved close to her and pulled her out of her fantasy.

"Sooo, what do you think of Skulduggery in a body?"
Valkyrie knew what Tanith was going at. She knew her too well. She was her best friend after all.

"I think it is amazing. He looks so happy." She smiled.

" Oh stop pretending! I kept up with this long enough. I know you are attracted to him Valkyrie. It is sooo obvious."

"Really?" Valkyrie's eyes widened. "Do you think he knows?"

"He might be the greatest detective of all time but I think he is clueless. Also, I think you should give it a shot. Otherwise you will regret it. Don't you agree?"

"Maybe. But what if he doesn't feel the same way? Then things will be really awkward. And I just can't afford things to get more complicated right now!"

"But what if he feels the same way about you?! Don't you wanna know?" She was right. Valkyrie knew that but was too scared of her heart being broken. "Mind that, Skulduggery is almost drunk. And when that happens he will spill his beans. So there is no better time to ask him."

"Ok. I will do it!" Valkyrie exclaimed, sitting straighter and looking at Skulduggery as he drank one more shot.

Hard to Resist - A Skulduggery Pleasant Fan-Fictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن