Then plants began to grow around me,

Everywhere, as far as I could see.

It all happened at a command from the Voice.

It was so pretty I began to rejoice.

But then by fourth day,

I learned I had to stay,

For the Time Machine had broke.

Then the Voice once again spoke.

"Let there be lights in the sky to divide day from night."

At this command, the sun began to give its light.

That night, the moon and stars appeared in the sky.

Quite suddenly, a bright shooting star soared by.

When the fifth day came.

I didn't feel the same.

I so wanted to stay,

When I heard the Voice say:

"Let the waters be filled with every creature,

"And the heavens with birds of every feature."

Many fish swam in the sea.

A small bird landed on me.

To the creatures in both the sea and sky;

The Voice said "Be fruitful and multiply.

"Each one after its own kind."

I felt a strange flow of mind.

I fell asleep that night to the sound of birds.

I began to wonder, where were the vast herds?

"Perhaps tomorrow." I thought.

Maybe I wasn't so caught.

The sixth day dawned so very bright,

With fish splashing and birds in sight.

Then I felt my heart rejoice,

For again I'd heard the Voice.

"Let the land yield beasts according to their kind,"

I saw every creature you will ever find.

A fox began digging its den,

And then the Voice was heard again.

"Let Us make man in Our likeness

"In Our perfection and fullness."

Then I saw the Speaker come down

He looked happy, without a frown.

I saw Him pick up some dirt.

I stood watching and alert.

He got some more dirt, then began

To form the image of a man.

Then man became a living soul

Created complete and whole.

The man had received life's breath,

And he hadn't yet known death.

But why'd the Voice changed His technique?

Why didn't He again just speak?

But then the Creator spake again,

To hear his voice, I had to strain.

"Adam," For that was the man's name,

Time Traveling: To the BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now