Who wants to do a play?

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Ollie was standing up at the front of the class with Mr Maddens.

"Go on then, if you think your so clever, tell us what happened at Christmas!"

Ollie looked smugly at me before saying.

"Uh, Joseph got together with Mary, Mary went to Bethlehem to have a baby, and...she has a baby, Jesus. Couple a years later, bout 30 years later he dies on the cross a-"

My Maddens interrupts him.

"Go and sit down," he says making the whole class giggle, including me as he goes to sit back down next to me. I could practically feel someone's eyes staring straight into the back of my head. Matt.

All of the students sat at their desks in silence, not being able to talk as Mr Maddens was walking up and down the isles checking on our maths work. I flicked through the pages of mine and Ollie's text book with the sums in. I have never been good with numbers but I seem to he getting them done a lot faster than everyone else. Well, everoyne else except for Matt.

Ever since the "lunch incident" is it was referred to by the teachers, it seemed like I had gained some new-found respect from some of the other students. As for the rest, well, they know to keep out of my way.

The silence in the classroom was KILLING me as I watched everoyne scratch away at their equations, heads down.

"Done," I said. I didn't want to be loud but I said it so Mr Maddens could year me.

"Thank you Y/N," he said as he picked up my book.

"Done sir," said a familiar voice from behind me. The same voice that made a shiver go down my spine. Mr Maddens swung around and took Matt's book from his hands. I smiled at him. I feel like I was starting to warm up to Matt. He was nice when he wasn't showing off to his friends.

"Your not as bad as I thought," I said, referring to the maths questions.

"And you were entirely average," he said before smiling smugly. I rolled my eyes playfully before turning back around to the front.

Mr Maddens placed Matt and my books down on his desk. He looked over and saw Mr Poppy with his hand waving in the air.

"Y-You don't have to put your hand up," he whispered.

"I know, I know it's just, I thought we were supposed to be doing a play," he said looking confused as he fiddled with a pencil. They spoke in hushed whispers as if we couldn't hear them. We all could.

"We are," Mr Maddens replied.

"It just feels like everyone is just sitting around ya know-"

"-But this isn't a rehearsal for the play. This is a maths lesson, it is a different thing,"

Out of no where Mr Poppy shouts out slightly louder to the rest of us.

"Who wants to do a play?"

I could see everyone's smiles and excited grins form onto their faces.

"MEEE!" Everyone called out as we dropped our pens.

"Ok if everoyne just pushes the tables to the side then-" we were all pushing the tables. Me and Ollie had pushed our table so I went behind to help Matt. With all my strength I pushed it to the side so it hit the wall.

"Thanks," he whispered in my ear making the smallest blush creep it's way up my kneck.

"Anytime," I reply. He smiles and walks off to help the others. Mr Maddens obviously wasn't happy by this as he called out,

"THE NEXT PERSON TO MOVE THEIR TABLE WILL BE IN DETENTION FOR THE ENTIRE TERM," but just as he said that, the school bell rang signaling it was break time. Everoyne jumped up and yelled. I felt a hand grab my own. It was Matt. We started running outside to the coats.

Mr Poppy had grabbed all the coats and was handing them out. I grabbed my coat and earmuffs, Matt's hand still firmly in my own. The others practically kicked down the door and started running around while I walked over to my usual bench and opened my book.

I watched as the whole of the class was playing stuck in the mud with Mr Poppy. I laughed slightly. It looked like fun. I looked up and saw someone in front of me. 3 guesses who.

"Come on Y/N/N," he said grabbing the book out of my hands once again. I tried grabbing it but he snatched it away.

"Look, these games just aren't my thing, ok," I said honestly. They really aren't even though I am a fast runner.
He smirked at me and put the book back into my bag.

"What? Scared that you will get beaten by a bunch of boys?" He mocked. I actually laughed at this as I got up and stepped towards him, my face only inces from his.

"Oh Matthew, I could beat all of you with one hand tied behind my back," I replied smiling at him. Without saying another word, he darted off into the midst of the rest of the other people. I laughed as I sped off after him. Needless to say, I made quick work of it. I caught him and most of the class, I even caught Mr Poppy.

"Mr Poppy!" I familiar voice shouted, "come in now," Mr Maddens yelled.

"I can't! I've been Tigged by Y/N!" He said holding his hands in a T position. Mr Maddens turned to me and rolled his eyes.

"COME IN NOW," He yelled. Mr Poppy dropped his hands and started walking inside. Everoyne who was tagged was un tagged and we all came together and started chanting.

"POPPY! POPPY! POPPY!" There were some more chants until we saw the blue, glass door swing open next to us and out ran Mr Poppy. I laughed as we ran around. We hadn't had this much fun in years. He started tagging everoyne, helping me.

"MR POPPY!!!" Mr Maddens screamed although you couldn't hear it that well over the shouts of the others. We started playing leap frog. We were all laughing our heads off. For that one moment, everything felt good.

--------(3rd person)--------

Mr Poppy's coat was hung around his kneck like a cape and he made a helicopter noise as he walked into Mr Maddens classroom after school, 10 minutes before detention began.

"Can I just say, thank you for today, I've really enjoyed it," he said. Mr Maddens looked a little taken aback by his comment and stuttered a,

"Uh-h, your welcome," he said. He became more serious. "You haven't done this before have you?" He said. Mr Poppy squinted in thought.

"Eeeh, I've done stuff like it," he said

"With the education system?" He questioned.

"Mmm, nope," Poppy replied. Mr Maddens was clearly un impressed about how he was behaving.

"Ok, I just wanted to check that. I will see you tomorrow at 8:15," Mr Maddens said clapping and started packing up his things getting ready to go.

"Yeah, do you wanna come for a sausage sizzler?" He questioned pointing to the door.

"Sorry?" He replied.

"The youngs local news agent do these things. It's like sausages in tomato ketchup in a roll with a sausage. There only one pound. Do you wanna maybe share one and I could introduce you to Tom, stinky Tom," Mr Poppy rambled. "He's funny," he said grinning widely.

"I'm a bit busy sorry. Thank you," Mr Maddens replied sternly.

Mr Poppy got up and bid him goodbye before walking off again.

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