Chapter 1

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"The punishment for invading Golgotha is 100 lashes. You may choose who takes them." spoke Pontius Pilate. "I-" "I'll take the lashes" Sabrina said before Caliban could even finish his sentence.

"No! You are the Queen of Hell I will not have you debased in such a way." Caliban spoke vehemently. "Exactly, I am the Queen and I have a duty to protect my subjects that includes you." Sabrina responded in tone that left room for no more argument which she picked up from her aunt Zelda. "My Queen you are too beautiful for such scars!" "As are you my Prince which is why I must do this." Sabrina said voice filled with adoration.

"Now are we going or not?" Sabrina questioned both Pontius Pilate and the Centurion. They then released her from her jail cell. As they led her away, she walked with her head held high with dignity aware of what she had gotten herself into for her infernal kingdom. While Caliban was shouting in absolute fury. "My Queen please let me take the lashes, I beg of you!" but Sabrina was long gone now.

"Your lover's sacrifice is noble, though absolutely useless." Barrabas said to Caliban voice filled with despair. Caliban ignored him trying to think of a way out of this place. He then came to the realization that Barrabas has been since the time loop began. "Barrabas what exactly happens at the trial?"

"Well, Pilate will free me as he always does, and he then will condemn both you and your lover to die as he always does. Then he will wash his hands of your hands of your fate." Barrabas spoke. And Caliban was now plotting their escape.

Time Skip

Caliban who was using a glamour to impersonate Barrabas smelled the familiar scent of blood before he saw it. When she finally came into view, he was to put it simply boiling with absolute fury. Her chest and torso were completely bear with her attempting to cover her breasts with arms the best she could with her arms chained. And her backs once milky pale flesh now covered with blood. And though despite her predicament she still stood tall with grace and dignity as a Queen always does.

They are going to rue the very day they decided to lay their filthy hands on her Caliban vowed silently.

"Citizens of Judea, as you know it is within my power to free one of these criminals. So, who shall it be the thief Barrabas or one of the foreigners?" Pilate asked a crowd that perished long ago.

The voices shout "Barrabas!" continuously.

"Barrabas shall it be" Pilate spoke as he unknowingly freed Caliban from his chains. Barrabas or Caliban sauntered up to him and whispered in his ear "You just shouldn't have hurt my Queen" he then revealed himself and stabbed Pilate with his own dagger then knocked out the Centurion all while grabbing the bowl and freeing the real Barrabas and His Queen.

"Come my Queen we must hurry" Caliban said his glamour now dropped has he gave her the bowl and placed her in his arms and began to run like their lives depended on it because they very well did. "Go on you two I'll hold off the Centurion for as long as I can!" shouted the real Barrabas as he stole a sword off Pontius Pilate's now dead body.

While Caliban and Sabrina didn't even turn back to busy running though they would be eternally grateful for Barrabas's sacrifice. "We must get to the time stone my lady and then once we get out of here. You will take the bowl and present it to the infernal court claiming your victory." Caliban said to Sabrina now only slightly jogging trying to navigate The Place of Skulls. "But I didn't grab the bowl you did." said Sabrina confused as to why he was letting her claim victory over something that she hadn't won. "Think of it as repayment for the last challenge that you would have won if I had not stepped in and stole it from you."

They were now approaching the Time Stone [Insert magical mumbo jumbo here] and they finally home at last.

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