
Todoroki's head is rested in between my thighs, as I attempt to pull his hair back.

"Ow! y/n, that hurts! is this necessary?" He whines. I laugh, parting his hair into two sections and pulling them up with hair ties. 

"Yes, Shoto. I don't wanna get face product in your soft hair once I put it on you," I explain to him. He groans. 

"Can I sit up now?" he asks me, and I tell him yes. He turns around and faces me. He looks so cute with two pigtails. He has a red one and a white one and I can't help but smile. 

"Wait, that's not it," I tell him, pulling a headband with a duck on it out of the old facial stuff Fuyumi gave me. I force it onto Todoroki's head and he yells at me.

"Ouch! why are you so aggressive sometimes?" he shouts and I giggle. He looks so cute! And for what?  I grab a face mask out of the bag and apply it to Todoroki's face. It's a pale green color. 

"Okay, my turn," Todoroki says, squeezing a bunch of the product onto his fingers and rubbing it all over my face. He squishes my cheeks and laughs. 

"Wait, this is kinda fun. I never thought I would like something like this," Todoroki tells me. I grin. 


Can I get a picture so I can post it on my socials?" I beg Todoroki. He sighs, standing up from his bed and walking over to his bathroom, turning on the light.

"Is that a yes? Are you inferring we can get a mirror pic?" I exclaim. Todoroki doesn't say anything. Instead, he just motions for me to come over to the bathroom. I hop up and run over to him, giving him a big hug. He embraces me. 

"You're so damn adorable. You know that Cutie?" he says. I chuckle. 

"Can we get this picture now?" I ask and he nods with a small smile. I stand in front of the mirror and Todoroki comes and stands behind me wrapping his arms around my waist. I lean into him and snap a picture. Then he turns me around and kisses me. I take one like that too. 

"Did I make my cutie happy?" Todoroki questions putting his hands back on my waist. I shake my head rapidly and he pulls me into a hug setting his chin on the top of my head. 

"I'm almost done editing them," I say as Todoroki looks in the mirror peeling off his face mask. He doesn't say anything, but instead, he focuses harder on peeling back the edge of the substance on his cheek. I get the pictures ready to post on Instagram, but I'm not sure what to caption the post. Hmm... maybe "Spa Night" or something simple like that. After thinking, it comes to me. 

Todoroki's phone buzzes, signaling the notification he got from me tagging him in my recent post. He looks at it.

"You're kidding. You captioned the post 'Spending time with my icy-hot," Todoroki looks up at me and I grin. 

"Yeah! It's only the truth," I state, rubbing the back of my neck. Todoroki groans before charging at me and jumping onto me.

"Ow! Shoto that hurt! get off of me," I yell, giggling and trying to push him off of me. 

"Hahaha! No way," He says, pulling me closer to him. He looks me in the eyes before giving me a quick peck on the lips.

"So are you gonna help me take this mask off or what?" He asks and I nod my head.


Todoroki and I lay on his bed, watching a movie on his phone when I get a notification from mine. I reach for my phone and turn it on.

One new follower: User 34385934609

I click on the account to see who it is. No profile picture, no bio, nothing indicating who it is. I wonder who it could be.

"How many likes do you have so far?" Todoroki asks me. I go to the post.

"652," I tell him. His eyes widen. 

"In the span of only half an hour?" I nod my head. Pictures of me and Todoroki tend to get more likes than any other pictures I post. I'd assume it's because people are bigger fans of him than they are of me. 

I wonder if I can find that boy from the soba restaurant's Instagram. That is if he even has one. Maybe he already follows me, because I didn't get his name. Oh my God, I didn't ask for his name! I start scrolling through my followers. This might take me hours since I have to scroll through all nineteen thousand. But I might as well start now. 

My eyes start to shut as I become more and more tired and restless. Todoroki looks over at me, concerned. 

"What are you even doing? You've been on your phone for such a long time. You didn't even see the ending of the movie," Todoroki confronts me. I sigh, rolling onto my back and laying my phone against my chest. 

"I was trying to find one of my fan's Instagram accounts. I had met him earlier but I didn't catch his name," I explain as Todoroki rolls onto his side, resting his head on the palm of his hand. 

"What did he look like? Maybe I can help," Todoroki suggests. 

"Well-" I start, "He had straight black hair that hung over one of his eyes. He was very tall, maybe 6'4 or 6'5. And he had a very distinct eye color- emerald green. And when he moved his hair out of his face for a brief second, his other eye was white; it was as if he was blind. But I wasn't gonna bring it up, you know?" 

"Hmm, I think I know who you're talking about. Does he work at that one soba place?" Todoroki asks. I sit up. Thrilled that Todoroki knows who I'm talking about. 

"Yes yes yes! That's him! Do you know his name by chance?" I exclaim. Todoroki thinks for a second.

"I think his name was like Tsukki... no, it was Yukki. I remember seeing a badge on his shirt," Todoroki says to me and I smile, giving him a big hug. 

"Ugh, this is why I love you," I squeal. 

"Love you too," Todoroki chuckles wrapping his arms around me. 

"So, do you wanna hear a story?" I ask Todoroki, he nods.

"Well, earlier when I was walking back from the soba place, I felt like someone was following me. But I just dropped it because I thought maybe it was a figment of my imagination," I explain. Todoroki squints at me. I look away from him, knowing he's probably going to lecture me.

"Darling, look at me-" He grabs my chin and forces me to look at him, "-when something doesn't feel right, you have to keep your guard up, no matter what. I wish I could always be by your side, be there to protect you, but I know you are fully capable of protecting yourself," He tells me his voice soft and calm. 

"I know, I'm sorry. Next time I'll be aware of all my surroundings, I promise," I say and Todoroki presses his lips to mine. 

"I don't ever wanna lose you," He whispers, pulling away. I sigh. I can see the ache in his eyes, the way he must feel about even thinking of losing me. I love him with all my heart, he means the world to me and nothing less, and I can tell he thinks the same way about me. 

Hey guys! I thought I would add a note in, thanking everyone who's following my story! I really hope you guys are enjoying it up to this point. Love ya'll lots! :)

𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝→ᴅᴀʙɪ ᴀɴᴅ ꜱʜᴏᴛᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon