Chapter 1

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Day 1. 

POV: Hayley LeBlanc - 

"Pick up, pick up," I said to myself. It was midnight and I she should probably go to sleep, but I can't. It's eating away at me again. I've been scrolling my phone and I've gotten bored of scrolling my phone. Usually I can just open and rotate a few apps and it'll make me feel better, but I've been rotating and yet to find anything interesting. I've tried calling my regular friends but they were all either asleep or busy. 

"What's up, Hayley?" The caller said as she picked up.

"Thank you for picking up, Sophie. I know we haven't talked in like... forever," I tapped my fingers and looked out the window, "But the thing is I'm feeling like blah and I really, really need someone to talk to."

Sophie took a little while to respond. It's tough, it really is but IVE got no choice. Sophie Fergi. From Mani but that's where our friendship ends, really. What's even up with Sophie? Maybe I should start there.

"Well... What ever happened between you and Piper?"

"Ugh, Hayley this is about you."

I messed up. I always do this. "I'm sorry."

"No, no it's okay. You really want the tea?"

"No, it's fine." I ALWAYS DO THIS. "I just can't sleep." 

"You tried meditating? That always works for me."

She doesn't understand... "Does It?" No reply. "You ever wonder why we're all here? Forced to play a long, cruel game with no winners, only losers?"

"You're weird, Hayley."

I FaceTime Piper, on a hunch. 

"Hayleyyyyyyyy" Piper said, "It's been a while.." 

"Is that a party?" 

"No, of course not" Piper said. "It's just the squad. Just a few of us hanging out like we always do." "Omg hey Hayley," said Emily Dobson. 

"Hey! No it's just that you're playing music really loud."

"Why wouldn't we?"

"No reason, it's fun it just looks like a party and not some you know, just regular friends hanging out." 

"Just the girls. What's up?" 

"Nothing, honestly. Just trying to find someone to talk to. Hey, whatever did happen between you and Sophie?"

"What do you mean? We told everyone what happened."

"It's just it seemed weird and not like how your videos say what happened, and there's some rumors going around." Piper hung up.

POV: Avani Gregg

"Help, help..." Jayden whimpers across the room. The smoke clears and there's just a ringing sound. The shooter's gone. A boy and a girl are on top of some of the bodies, trying to help them. Caden's awfully still, oh my god. What even happened? I was just chilling on a sofa and then I hear a boom, then four more booms. Then I heard screaming.

I call 9-1-1. I have Hayley's number so I call her. EMS and the Police arrive, I'm detained for questioning.

POV: Hayley

   I have my head buried in my hands. I can't believe it. I've lost Caleb and now Jules? Sweet, older sister Julianne LeBlanc. Who would do such a thing? I feel cold. Not just because it's the middle of the night and I'm sitting in an empty hospital lobby, but because I'm wondering if Jules will make it. She was shot? Who shot her? Who could shoot her? Questions that will never be answered, these are, I painfully realize. My mind goes to the worst places and I snap back like a taut sack that had wrapped a gat and lied flat pushed by the wind. There I go again. It's like it never ends. It's like I'm only friends with the devil, I need deliverance. But not really, she'll be okay. She'll be okay...

   She's officially declared dead, I'm told. My mom stays in the room with the body.

POV: Default

   Just as there was with Caleb, there's a whole bunch of paperwork to sign. This time there's extra requirements, expectations, and formalities due to it being a murder  was never allowed to see Jules after that point. She sits sobbing. Tears and anger and pain and sorrow escaping from her body as if it were Alcatraz. Escaping from the rock that is her soul because it couldn't take any more, the utmost conceptualized feeling of anger that could have been created by Hayley is shone upon by the light that is fate. 

   In other words, she's in pain.

   The sun just rises and Hayley's woken up by Jeannie Quinn. "I'm taking you to our house, Hayley." She understood. She walks like a zombie through the sanitized, empty hospital. One step, then the next, then the next, then the next. Next breath too. Hayley's out back in the world as the last of the LeBlanc's. She knew it too. She felt the earth push up against her foot as she pressed down onto the asphalt. It's just the way it is, but now she is alone. 

   "I really am alone," Hayley thought, and she wasn't at fault for saying that. It frustrates her that the friendships she's built grovel in comparison to the results of a stupid, stupid violent mistake made by a stupid, stupid violent person. They get to the Quinns' house and Hayley walks inside slowly. She walks to their couch, lies down, and falls fast asleep. 

   When Hayley finally woke up in the mid-afternoon, she noticed that the living room was full. Coco, Rihanna and Lilliana Ketchman were huddled on the floor. Some friends of the families were in the Quinn's house too. When Hayley stirred, she was immediately greeted by Jeannie Quinn and James Charles. 

   "Are you okay? It'll be alright, it'll be alright," Quinn said hurriedly, panicking on the inside about the future of Hayley. 

   "I'm fine," Hayley lied. She felt numb in her soul and couldn't wrap her head around Jules, her sister, actually being dead. "I don't remember this blanket being here." 

   "Yeah, I put it on you when you fell asleep." Quinn said blankly. 

   "It's comfortable." 

   "Hayley, you're awake." Coco Quinn said. 

   Hayley didn't reply. Jeannie Quinn quickly interjected, "Why don't you let Hayley be for a while?" 

   "Okay," Coco Quinn said and went back to sit next to Lilly. She quickly texted her boyfriend to not come over. Gavin understood. Coco Quinn gave Lilly a big hug as Rihanna left the room. 

   "I'm going back to North Carolina soon," Lilly K said, "It's frustrating sometimes not being in LA because that's where all my friends are."

   "I'm sure if you wanted to stay with us for a while, that would be okay," Coco said, "Right mom?"

   "What's up, Coco?" Jeannie Quinn replied.

   "Let's go on a walk, Hayley," James Charles said. She got up and went on a walk with him. 

   "Could Lilly K stay in Los Angeles a little while longer?"

   "Of course that could be arranged," Jeannie Quinn said. "Txunamy and her mom are on their way over here, Coco. Cancel your date with Gavin please."

   "I did," Coco said, "He said It's perfectly okay ." 

   It's not him I'm worried about, Jeannie Quinn though, it's the psychotic crazy-a** b**** that gave birth to him.

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