"My dear Admiral may I be so bold as to ask what right you have as to make these demands? You hold a seat on this senate as assurance that your little war is not interrupted." The emphasis on little sent laughs through the room at the petty remark. The Clone Wars was anything but little. "You do not know of the contribution the UPA's Red Cross provides to the people of this galaxy allowing much material to be diverted without issue to your war. What more, you claim to be protecting democracy when if you had the common bit of sense to discuss this with myself you'd have discovered that my people voted on our action in this war four months ago!" The sweetness of the old lady was mixed with venom as her pod hovered dangerously close to the Admiral's. Padme could not help the smile forming on her face. Her attention was quickly pulled to the Chancellor.

"Perhaps we break up discussion until tomorrow." He hurriedly announced out of fear of an argument breaking out with the disrespect towards the admiral.

Padme made her way carefully towards Representative Hetep. "Hetep!" The dark-skinned politician was quietly making her way along the corridor pausing at the sound of her name. "Amidala, it is good to see you up and about." The gentle woman greeted. "How may I help you?"

"Thank you, I just wished to discuss the recent debate in further detail." Padme slyly admitted.

"You wish to understand my thoughts on Admiral Sokar's threat." The older woman deduced. Padme only gave a slight smile in response to Hetep's amusement. "If only we speak within more private quarters." Padme, who was now beaming, quickly led the pair to her office where 3PO had prepared refreshments.

After the fierce debate many senators were moving around within the halls of the democratic house, with their colourful robes blending together like a piece of interesting art. Some stood and talked, others took to their offices to work away the last few hours whilst many began to move towards the exits for a restful night of partying.

"Anakin how exactly do you know where you're going at this pace?" A load voice complained through crowd. "It's almost as if you've memorised the route."

As the crowd thinned three figures stood watching the tentative tallest turn. His deep blue armour and robes contrasted against the red walls.

"Charl does have a point, Anakin, how is it you know the fastest route to the Naboo offices without a map?" The oldest of the group questioned as his hand distinctly stroked his sand coloured beard.

"Besides Master, I have only ever seen you walk that fast when you were trying to escape Obi-Wan." A young togrutan explained, her white markings scrunched in confusion.

"When I was protecting Senator Amidala at the beginning of the war, I chose to watch the debates from the Jedi's viewing point for greater ease at engaging any trouble that may appear. I simply had to make the route so often that I memorised it." The young knight explained trying to convince himself more than the others. "Besides I thought we all had places to be." He finished with a lop-sided grin.

"You do, I don't." The last figure responded her cold mandalorian armour contrasting against the warm fabric of the Senate. The mandalorian girl stood between the robed Jedi. Her armour was grey with yellow highlights. At her waist sat two pistols with a pair of short blades behind her back. A small clip hung her helmet from her belt as single phoenix sat on each shoulder in a fiery mix of orange and yellow. Her golden hair flowed over her jet pack in a single plait.

"I thought you wanted to explore the Senate, Charl?" the togrutan chirped.

"I do!" Charl responded quickly "Just not with Kenobi here." She continued locking eyes with the older man.

"I am afraid you aren't exactly the most trustworthy person, Charl. Besides you cause as much chaos as Anakin." Kenobi explained. Anakin's face twisted into one of hurt.

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