YN comes back injured from a mission

Start from the beginning

"San, Wooyoung, please be quiet," Seonghwa continued to drive the needle in and out with precision.

"You were supposed to be watching her!" San was furious, that much was clear. But the way Wooyoung rubbed the back of his head was enough to know that his feelings were more than reciprocated. Although you were surprised to see how quiet Mingi was, usually he'd be pretty vocal too, unless he was active previously but got his voice drowned out. Yunho and Yeosang were also in the room reviewing the footage from your last mission, trying to figure out what happened, and the only two not present were Hongjoong and Jongho, who you assumed was going over the information you came back with.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I was?!"

"Oh, well you did a bang up job."

"Oh you bitch-"

"If you two don't shut up I will throw you out of that window as soon as Seonghwa is done," you growled. San and Wooyoung stopped arguing and sat down on opposite sides of the couch. Seonghwa cut the remaining thread off and took the bandages from the side table and finished up his work. Just in time for Hongjoong and Jongho to come in, with Hongjoong already looking stressed.

"Alright, what happened?" Hongjoong kept his voice strict.

"It was nothing big, really."

"Sure, say that to the eight other stitches I had to do," Seonghwa scoffs. "Tell us the truth."

You relaxed into the bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"Alright, but don't freak out," you look at San. "Yes, Choi San, I am looking at you."

"I won't!"

"Okay well a bomb blew up next to me-"

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" San, of course, fell out of his chair and heads whipped from all across the room.

"Oh my god, relax boys I'm still in one piece."

"How does that even happen?!" Mingi.exe has stopped working finally spoke up, he was tense to say the least, but no where as pissed as the other members.

"Usually I'm very careful, and you know this, it was just one slip up really."

"I dunno, (Y/N), bombs have a very distinctive appearance," Yeosang snarked.

"Well, Yeosang, when you're spying on another gang at a gala they typically won't make their bombs look like bombs, come on, their leader is one of the most intelligent minds in the generation, I'm pretty sure he of all the people would find a way to make a bomb look like a damn wine bottle."

"Alright, the fragments were explained, how do you explain the bullets?" Seonghwa raised his eye brow.

"Bullets? I got shot?" You furrowed your brow. "Multiple times?!"

"Oh you're kidding us right now how do you not know you were shot?!" Wooyoung threw his arms up.

"I dunno, I guess it happened while I was passed out-"

"You were passed out too?!" San gasped. "Oh my god, we are clearly not doing our job right."

"San, seriously, stop. You're hurting my brain," you waved your hand at him. "Either way, it was a whole clusterfuck and don't get me started about just getting out. But it's fine, I'm fine."

"You lost a liter of blood," Seonghwa pointed to the blood transfuser next to you.

"What? We have one of those?"

"You are so out of it, (Y/N)," Yunho clicks his tongue.

"Yeah but that's a symptom of blood loss," you shake your head.

"(Y/N), this is Boss Hongjoong talking, not best friend Joong, I'm putting you off work for a month, how could you leave this out of your report?"

"Reports are for mission details not near death experiences. Plus, you of all people should know that I've had worse."

"It's the fact that you had worse that makes us more worried, you know," Jongho shook his head. "We're going to start having one of us go with you on missions for now on."

"What? No. Missions are my only breaks from you losers," you laugh. "Honestly, I keep saying it, I'm fine, see? You guys don't have to worry." You're met with cautious glances, but you could also the relief behind them.

"She's an adult, if she says she's fine, then she is," Hongjoong rolls his shoulders back. San was still skeptical though, he was always like this really, so you gave him a reassuring smile and a thumbs up, but this time he looked away.

"When I said I agreed with letting (Y/N) into the business I thought she was coming in as a hacker... not as a front lines spy," he mutters. "But I guess if she's okay I can't be angry."

"Honestly, can we just order pizza and call it at that? Losing blood makes you hungry," you huff.

"Already on it," Yunho takes out his phone.

"Wooyoung, choose a movie too! It's a Friday night, after all," you grin. Wooyoung nodded a few times and darted from his spot on the couch.

As strange as it seems, this was normal actually. One of you would get horribly injured somehow, but it would always end on a light note once you were well taken care of. Such was the life in the mafia, to be honest, just something you get used to. Although you for sure won't be going on any missions alone any time soon, you are glad to have them. You look after each other, after all. And even if Wooyoung and San are still bickering, or if Mingi and Yunho are causing chaos, you wouldn't ask for anything else.

"(Y/N)! You coming or not?!" Mingi's voice called out from the main room. You drummed your hand on the bed frame. Just for a bit longer, you'll keep your little secret from them.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming," you answer. You threw your phone into the drawer next to you, leaving the text message unread.

'Did you get back safe? I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the bottle, darling.'

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