"Yeah dude of course you're nervous! I was nervous when I proposed to Akaashi," Yeah. It's nerve racking to ask the love of your life to be yours forever. Kenma and Hinata start running down the stairs again so I hurriedly put the box back in my pocket.

"Bokuto let's go! Bye Kuroo!" He rushes out the door and it slams shut. I look out the window to see Hinata holding down Kenma in the backseat while Bokuto starts to drive away. My boyfriend just got kidnapped...Well it's for a good cause. Now to wait for Akaashi. My phone goes off and I check to see that it's Akaashi.


Open the door

Is he here already? How the hell is he here already? I open the door and there he is. He has a few leaves in his hair though. The hell happened to him?

"Thank you Kuroo,"

"Yeah. No problem. What happened to you?" He walks in and sits on my couch.

"What do you mean what happened to me?"

"Dude you have leaves in your hair," He moves his hand to his hair and starts pulling out leaves.

"Oh well Bokuto drove me here with him and I had to hide in your bushes,"

"Oh," I bet Bokuto didn't even tell him about that. Poor Akaashi.

"Yes well I'm here now. So let's get started shall we?" I nod my head and we get to work. I had to sneak out really early this morning so I could get everything we needed. I have flowers, flower petals, candles, and index cards. We start scattering the petals from the front door to the kitchen. We also scatter some candles in the mess of yellow flower petals. We spread some petals on the kitchen island. On an index card I wrote the first thing I ever said to him. "Are you a triple bond? Because you look like alkynes of fun :))" That was 3 years ago. I was so cringy. I wanted to propose to Kenma last year but after his dad died and he stood up to his mom I didn't think that was a very appropriate time to propose. He needed to heal. And a year later he's doing a lot better now.

We then scatter flower petals to the stairs and up them to the bedroom. We arrange them in a heart and do the same thing with the candles. I go around the house and light them all. This took about an hour. So Bokuto should be on his way back. They didn't go too far. Just 10 minutes away. I get my phone to call Bokuto.


"Bokuto come back,"

"Got it. We're almost there. Be there in 5,"

"Okay," I hang up and start making Kenma's favorite thing in the world. A black cup of coffee with a slice of apple pie. I set it by the note and hurry upstairs where Akaashi was waiting for me.

"They're on their way,"

"You ready?"

"Yes..? I don't know. I'm nervous.."

"That's to be expected, Kuroo. But don't worry. Everything will be alright," He smiles at me.

Yeah..I hope so

Kenma's POV

"Bokuto slow down! You're gonna kill us!"

"Kenma bro! Just calm down!"

"Yeah Kenma! Calm down!"

"You two idiots kidnapped me! And why are we rushing back to my house?"

"Because!" Wait..Kuro!

"Is Kuro okay?"

"Um I don't know?" Shit no. He has to be okay. My mind starts going to the worst case scenarios.

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