
Start from the beginning

Authors note; that's what we call the braids under your lace/weave

hearing them walk down the hallway my father walked past first grabbing his coat out the closet

"okay I'm going to handle some things, don't burn my house down,"

"okay," I replied giving him a side hug

it felt different but it's the closest I've ever been to him.

"nice seeing you guys," he smiled at the leaving out

Zahnay walked into my room giving me a hug

I took her coat from her hanging it up along with her bag. Tylil came in the room with his eyes hung low making me suck my teeth

once I finished covering my hair up I tied a knot in it

"go watch some tv upfront while I talk to your brother," I told her

she nodded running out the room

I closed the door looking at him

"I'm not high, just tired," he expressed giving me a hug

"I missed you," I sniffed hugging him

even though it felt like I was older than him that wasn't the case at all

"stop crying lil nigga," he laughed

"you staying too?" I asked him removing myself

he shrugged helping me put the jackets back in my closet

"have you heard from Siah?"

I shook my head unfazed folding my jeans up

"he's being weird and doesn't want to talk to me. I'll give him space, maybe I been around too much," I said sliding my journal under my jeans in the dresser

"don't say that. you got a special place in his heart, Demon,"

I shook it off passing him another sweater

"so I found a crib, I have until Friday to put the last payment in," he told me making me smile

"for real? that's so good," I smiled

by the time we finished talking the room was done and I was lighting my incense

I went out the room looking for Zamari only finding her knocked out on the sofa

Tylil came behind me scaring me

"chill out," I held my chest

he laughed as we went back into the room

"you ever thought about leaving your pops crib?" he asked me opening the window

"there's nowhere else for me to go. I don't have a job," I said honestly sitting in the window seal

he agreed with me putting his book bag in the corner

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