"Okay, I'll entertain this idea of yours"

"Thank yo--"

"However, you need to answer a few questions of mine in return"

The brunette gulped, knowing that I was actually pretty smart when it came to figuring out information. "O-okay, deal. Go ahead"

I looked him dead in the eyes, switching on my brain to interrogation mode. "When did you agree to start dating?"

"About a week or two ago, and we haven't done anything other than kiss"

"Okay, why did you do it in the first place?"

He looked down, "I can't directly say"

"Does she have something on you?"

He looked up and ever so slightly nodded his head. I almost missed it myself. It was so discreet that anyone who wasn't paying attention would miss it. "Well what is it? A secret, a picture?"

He looked down again, obviously telling me he couldn't say at this time. "What I can tell you, is to do a little more research on her family, but that's all for right now. I wish I could say more, but if she finds out I'm even seeing you right now, she would freak out and ruin everything"

This whole situation sounded pretty serious. Hearing that Sakurai had something on him, well it would make sense. I know how manipulative she can be-- I have first hand experience. But if Tōru could only tell me what it was, then maybe I could try and help.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still mad and hurt, but what the setter has been saying makes too much sense for it to be made up. Too many dots connected.

'Oh what the hell' I thought to myself and got out my phone, starting to dial a certain person's number. Tōru looked at me confused, but I ignored it.

Suddenly a voice broke through the speakers of my phone. "Hey (Y/n), what's up?"

"Hey Shin, I was wondering if you could help me with something?"

As soon as that name left my mouth, the boy sitting across from me frowned and reached for my phone, to which I smacked his hand away.

"Sure thing, what do you need help with? Homework?"

I gigged so I didn't seem too suspicious (and to make Tōru a bit jealous but that doesn't matter-- he deserves it) "No, no, I was thinking of getting Saki something for her upcoming birthday. I have a few ideas but I don't know what he family is like so I wanna make sure it's something they wouldn't get her either-- y'know getting her something she already has"

Please work please work please work--

"Oh I totally get that. I don't know anything super specific, but everyone knows that her family is wayyyy into sports and education. Her mother is a college sports scout, and her father is a university professor-- so in other words, they're loaded. I wouldn't get her any sort of books, or expensive things. Hope that helped. Let me know what you decide on and I'll talk to you later"

"Thank you so much Shin, that helped loads! I'll see ya" I hung up the phone.

I look to Tōru who looks agitated. A professor for a father and a scout for a mother huh? I'm sure she's their little princess, so anything she wants goes. It would make sense that Sakurai would use that to her advantage.

"I see you and Sato have gotten close..." Tōru grumbles sounding salty

"You have no right to get mad so don't even go there right now"

"You're right, I'm sorry. Anyways, I think my hour is up...thank you for coming...I really appreciate it"

I looked up at him, his eyes so soft it hurt me to walk away from, but I had enough self-respect to know that one conversation wasn't going to fix everything. But, I could take a little baby step.

"You're welcome, Tōru," his cheeks flushed a little and a small smile made its way onto his lips.

As I got up, he did the same and helped to assist me in getting my crutches. I hobbled to the door with him not far behind, and before we split off in different directions, I told him this.:

"Once I find out what this all means, then maybe we can talk more about us" I didn't look at him and began to hop away.

I only heard him mutter something before he too left the cafe.

"...I'd like that..."

Oop- guess I'll see y'all next chapter ;)

Also if you are interested, I have a Armin X Reader fic out now on here and AO3 under my same user called
"The Manipulative Prince"
if you guys are interested. I've worked really hard on it and I'm sure you'd like it too!

Anyways, have a good one guys and luv you <3

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