The Boys - With Love, The Ghosts Part 2/4

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word count: ~ 1.4k


"You look like you've seen a ghost."

You knew that Julie wouldn't judge you, not after the year she had. But honestly, after hearing that Flynn was almost going to egg her house after finding out about the Swedish hologram boys you were very inclined to just shake your head and forget about it all. Even if the note from Reggie, Alex and Thing Three had been burning a hole into your pocket.

Needless to say that it had been a very weird winter break. But you were still kind of disappointed when nothing happened on New Year.

Nevertheless, you closed your locker and turned around to look at Julie and Flynn while they approached you. "Does a flying pen called Reggie and a computer that suddenly decides to cheer me up called Alex and a third something, temporarily called Chicken Scratch, do as well?" you asked and took the note out of your pocket, hoping it would come out as comedically rather than insane.

At first, nothing happened and Julie and Flynn just stared at you. Then Julie ripped the little paper out of your hand and quickly unfolded it.

Almost afraid you smiled at them nervously when they looked back up at you, expecting everything and yet nothing at the same time. Which is why you weren't quite sure what to make from Julie and Flynn's reaction. Sighing they both looked at each other and whisper-shouted: "Reggie!"

"Reggie... as in the pen? You're calling my pen?" Bewildered, you looked at your two best friends. Okay so maybe they did think you've lost it. ' Retreat, retreat! Make a final joke about it and let it slide!' " I think you kind of forgot the magic word 'Accio' beforehand. Accio Reggie, you know? And don't forget to swish and flick it guys or else it might blow up in your face," you giggled nervously. 'Nope, that wasn't it.'

But instead of going into it, Julie suddenly seemed busy staring angrily at a locker just to their right and making weird eyebrow movements towards it, while Flynn just swung an arm around your shoulder and pulled you with her.

"I think it's time that we, or rather Julie, told you something. But, first things first, you know that egging your best friends house isn't the solution, right?"


Correction: They lost it. Not you, they! Ghosts. Forking 90s ghosts they said.

Because apparently Reggie, Alex and Luke (not Who or Thing Three - just a ghost with a very terrible handwriting, Flynn couldn't stop giggling and said something about the Fat Ones ?) were exactly that - forking 90s ghosts. You almost snorted into your cereal and inhaled the milk when Julie told you that after arriving home from school.

"Sure. Ghosts are wishing me a Merry Christmas. What's next? Did I miss Michael Jackson wishing me a Happy New Year and will Elvis Presley be serenading me on Valentine's Day?"

"Wait... Michael Jackson died?! When? Ah damn... I barely had time to listen to his 9nth album before we died!"

"Dude... First Star Wars, now this? What exactly are you doing when we aren't rehearsing?"

"Not screaming in a museum, but I did say dibs on the shower... the rubber duckies are just too cute to ignore!"

"You use them in a bath Reggie, not the shower!"

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