"No. Something's wrong. Why won't you tell me?" I realize how desperate my voice sounds, and it surprises me. I've never wanted to comfort someone as much as I want to comfort her now. Why can't she just tell me?

     "Ben, please, I'm fi--"

     "Don't tell me you're fine, Addie, I can see right through you." It came out a little more harsh than I wanted it to, but I wanted her guard to be let down for once.

     "I'M FINE!" She tries to pull away from me, but I grab her other arm and pull her into my chest. She struggles for a few more seconds, then just goes limp into me, and starts crying again.

     "I'm scared, alright? There, you happy?" She whispers into my chest.

     "No, I'm not. Why are you scared?"

     "The same reasons you are. Pirates, not finding Tink." She looks at me when she says this, then buries her face back into my shirt.

     "What? I'm not-"

     "Liar." She cuts me off. But She didn't say it mean, she just, said it like she was so sure of it.

     "Ok, you're right. But I can get scared too sometimes."

     "I know, I know. I'm sorry..." She's still crying.

     "Ok, obviously, there's something else to this." I tell her.

     "Leave it alone, Ben, please."

     "No, tell me." I sit us down on the ground, with her in my lap, and the memory oft the last time we were in this position shoots back into my memory.

     "It's fine."

     "Addie.." She doesn't respond. "Addie, look at me." I grab her chin and pull her face up so she's looking at me. "You don't have to be so brave all the time."

     She sniffs and rubs her eyes. "Yes. I do. I'm sorry I'm such a mess, Ben."

     I decide to just drop it. She's obviously upset about something, but I got the feeling it's something that's been bugging her for longer than I can imagine. and clearly, it hurts her to talk about it more than keep it inside. So I just hold her tighter.

                                                     Addie's P.O.V.

     UGH! I totally hate myself right now! What is wrong with me!? Yeah, Ben's holding me, but I want nothing more than to stop crying. I haven't cried about my parents for months. But I can't stop myself, it's all just pouring out of me. I realize that I need to talk about it, but no here. This is where I need Gram.

     I take a deep breath and pull away from Ben. I look at him and smile weakly. He said I didn't have to be so strong, but he has no idea. This little incident, however, has given me a new strength. I suddenly feel as if I could take on an entire army with my bare hands. I need to get home.

     "Ben, I'm fine now, I promise. I'm really sorry you had to see that."

     "....Are you sure?" He asks me.

     "100%. Thank you."

     "You're welcome Addie.." He says hesitantly.

     "No, really. You could've been like any other guy and just slowly backed away when I broke down, but you stayed with me. I'm truly grateful."

     He looks down, and his face and tone go all serious. "I'd never leave you, Addie." His eyes lock onto mine, and I could've sworn he was going to kiss me. I wanted him to kiss me. But I also didn't. It's... complicated. I wanted it to happen, but I knew it shouldn't. "Should we keep moving?" I quickly ask.

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