chapter 2 i wake up in a hospital

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i grouned in pain and anoyange.

their was this beeping sound

beeep    beeep   beeep.

i oen my eyes. im in a hospital again i sigh and try to get up. imedely a docter shoves me down.

dont that gun nerly shot you in the hert. itll be fine i have fat healling a wave of.

whta day is it i asked.

ohh satuday. he replied.

will i eb discharged by wendsday i asked.

yuo he replied.

ok then i said.


i woke up and the docters said i was discharged. i put on a white shirt and black shorts and a black hoodie. i hid my white hair under my black and blinked my blue eys. i look difrent i thorght.

i walked over to the ship for the exams and sat in the shadows.

i say a kid and a teen run and wing onto the boat. the green haired kid said a storm wa coming and i sniffed the air. ]

yep i htorght.

the boat swayed making almot every one faall over and puke some one nearly puked on me i neek him in the balls.

captun called us in to a cavern and questoned us on why we ae becoming hunters and our names.

im amy i dont know my last name and i want to become a hunter so i can find my family and all about iti anserd scaring every one in the room.

how long have you been here yelled gon.

the whole time i anserd.

i tuned out the rest of the time.

i lokked into the sea andmiring it beaty.

i slwly bent down brushing my fighers lightly acrossthe water.

i looked up to see a storm but withing their i could see gold pink and purpel.

untill someone knocked me off the beat i grabbed onto the side and used some loose wood planks to bring myself up. once i saw who pushed me in i stalked towards him.


sorry he yelled back

i grumply sat in a dark conter.


we finly got isde the bilding to start the exames

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