𝟑 | The Hunt Begins

Start from the beginning

The Mandalorian watched her silently before turning down the arch into the Armorers workshop.

The room was dark, lit only by sparse yellow lights and the blazing fires of the smelting pit. The walls were built of the same dark sandstone as the rest of the buildings and the walls met in an arched ceiling that loomed low above them. The shadows were ominous and deep. Sparks flew across the room from the pits side as a familiar figure beat a metal plate into shape before holding it over an open flame. The gold of her horned helmet was regal and crown like, glimmering in the light of her forge. A shimmer passed over the woman's T-visor as she turned to them.

Neytiri touched her forehead gently before tapping over where her heart would be in a greeting of high respect towards the armourer. The gold clad Madalorian returned the gesture before placing down the equipment and moving toward the table that Mando kneeled at silently. He removed his weapons. Neytiri did the same, placing down all her weapon in sight of the Armorer before retreating back into the shadows of the arch. She crouched low, making herself smaller, and leaned back against the cold wall. She remained quiet as the two Mandalorians spoke.

"This was gathered in the Great Purge." The woman hummed as she inspected the ingot closely, mindful of the Imperial brand on the corner "It is good it is back with the Tribe."

Mando simply nodded "Yes."

The Armorer let out a thoughtful hum "A pauldron would be in order. Has your signet been revealed?"

"Not yet."

"Soon." The woman insisted. She stood, Neytiris eyes following her curiously, and quickly began to ready the forge. The Na'vi watched closely. She had only ever been in the covert three times before, which was still too many times in her opinion, so she had never seen the Armorer work. She took the time to simply watch silently.

"This is extremely generous." The Armorer called over her shoulder as she readied her equipment "The excess will sponsor many Foundlings."

"That's good." The mans voice was almost soft "I was once a Foundling."

"I know." There was a hint of a smile in her tone.

The Na'vi eyes flickered between both of them. This was all feeling very private.

"Should I leave?" Neytiri hummed awkwardly, tail swaying on the ground behind her as she stayed crouched in the shadows. She felt almost intrusive watching this. Mando didn't turn his head to her but there was a shift in his shoulders. It was the Armorer that spoke. Her voice was low and calm, T-visor blank when she turned to look at the Na'vi. Neytiri could feel the other woman's eyes tracking across her.

"You are welcome here" The gold clad warrior hummed gently "A trusted friend and vouched for"

"Vouched for?" She shifted on her feet, eyes narrowed and ears flattened in confusion. Her chin was hooked over her knees.

"By me"

Mandos voice was bland through the modulator and he didn't even turn around to look at her, simply shifted on his knees. Neytiri let her gaze bore into the back of his head before looking to the Armorer. She didn't let her confusion show.

Neytiri could only hum and nod before her eyes blew wide at the shower of golden sparks that flew from the metal as it was struck. The light of the forge danced in her yellow eyes while her pupils dilated in wonder. The Armorers hammer created a thunder like sound as it landed strike after strike on the molten metal, curving it into shape, while the forges fire was almost sweltering. The woman could almost feel the heat from where she was huddled.

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