“Danny c’mon I want to meet your family.”  

"Okay. I love you, oh and if Niko opens the door he looks exactly like me, well I think he can change his appearance.”   Now I was scared, what if Danny left the room and Niko walked in what he would do I knew nothing about him except he killed my father and I called him a jerk. I’m in shit’s creek. My wings tingled under my skin of my back they do that when I’m scared so I’m ready to retreat.   

“Let’s go meet the vamp-in-laws” I said with a devilish grin. He sighed and shook his head but got out of the car. I followed him like a duckling after its mama. I would never understand what Danny was so worried about on this day for the rest of my existence.  

Chapter Three:   When I looked at Niko he looked nothing like Danny. Instead he looked more like my brother, odd my brother has the same eyes; green and hair color; black and the same nose; button with a slight dimple at the end. That day I was so stupid not to put two and two together. My fears slowly melted away. When I walked through the doorway I felt safe, it felt weird since it was a vampire family crypt. Well I do feel safe with Danny. I wonder how long his family has been around. I heard a woman saying     

“Niko, who is at the door?”   “Mother it looks as if we get to finally meet young Daniel’s girlfriend and oh she’s a  fairy, how….lovely!” Well the safe feeling is gone. The way he had said fairy had sent shivers up and down my spine, my wings poked through my skin and I was glad I was wearing Danny's Your only a Monster if You Believe in Vampires sweatshirt. It was super cozy and an inside joke. Danny was far from being a monster.    

Three hours later      

That wasn't so bad I thought Danny’s mom is a very nice person and she was very pretty she had long brown hair the color of freshly baked bread and beautiful sea sky blue eyes, the sky at the sea is always more blue. She was tall around 5’9 and had a slight tan under her vampire parlor. She looked protective of me and Danny whenever Niko came into the room but hid it nonchalantly. I couldn't help but stare at Niko and think about it but Niko was a vampire shape shifter and I didn't trust him at all even if he was Danny’s brother of sorts I wanted more information on him and who else would have the best information then his brother who knew him for almost 300 years?   

“Hey Danny how come Niko is a shape shifter and you aren't?” he was reluctant to answer but I just looked at him, until finally he took my hand and we sat on my front stoop. His eyes rested on me, but his ears were elsewhere. He started to speak and I fell instantly under the spell of his velvet voice as most girls did when they heard him speak.   

“My mother couldn't have children for the longest time and then came Niko badly injured alone and helpless she had no idea he was a mass murderer. Until he killed my only sister Phoebe. Then I was born. She was scared for my life, because she found out Niko’s shape shifting abilities had crossed over to his vampire state. She still watches him closely now. Didn't you feel the tension or the motherly aura of the room?”  When he was telling me this story I had no idea at the time it was all a lie.  

“Yeah actually I did. I was vulnerable to it because my mom’s not much of a mom. Danny, Niko has plans for this town, and their not good.”    The rest of the night he spent with me in my bedroom he sat in my old rocking chair watching the door for Niko or the window for him. The aroma of crack drifted up the stairs and alcohol was everywhere. My wings fluttered, and I let them escape it felt good for them to be out. Danny liked to look at them he also liked to paint them for me to. He called me his sexy Cassie, his lovely muse. He said all the time that he loved me. Would you like it if I described them to you? Of course you would it’s not your story. Their black and purple with rippes and tears and turquoise ovals at the tips, they look like my great grandmother’s.  

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