Louder Than Fireworks [17]

Start from the beginning

You playfully pouted before gesturing down the aisle, "Let's grab the soda and get outta here. Dr. Pepper sound good?", you asked which Sal agreed to, and off the two of you went with the two boxes of soda and beer. After checking out and paying the tired looking cashier, the two of you walked out of the run down convenient store towards your car in the parking lot, "Larry was right, he didn't ask for ID. He must be pissed to have to spend New Years at work, poor guy!", you stated while opening up the back door of the car, placing the soda inside. "Yeah, no kidding. Hopefully he gets off soon, it's nearly midnight. Only half an hour to go until the new year.", Sal placed the beer in the back as well before climbing into the car, you doing the same.

After starting the car you looked over towards your boyfriend, "We're meeting them at Lake Wendigo, right? I'm pretty sure I remember where it is.", you said while pulling out of the parking lot and onto the main road. He nodded, looking out the window at the passing trees and road signs. Noticing he was seemingly lost in thought, you glanced over at him, "Hey, you okay there, sweetheart?", you asked. Sal snapped out of his little trance and looked over at you, his eyes wide behind the mask, "O-oh, yeah! Sorry, I guess I just got caught up in my thoughts. Wait, did you just call me 'sweetheart'?", he asked with a shy smile.

You blushed and smiled too before returning to the original subject, "Heh, don't change the subject. But really, what's on your mind? I can tell you're a little off right now.". He collected his thoughts and fumbled with his hands before giving you a response, "It's nothing, really, it's just...New Years always feels so melancholy. I know it's supposed to be a happy day to welcome the new year, but for me it's just a marker for another year of...my mom not being here.", his voice had gone soft as he spoke those words.

Your stomach dropped once you heard the reasoning behind his quote demeanor, a small frown appearing on your face as the mention of Sal's deceased mother made you remember your own deceased father. Both you and Sal had this terrible trait in common, as well as Larry, however both you and Sal knew your parents had passed on, unlike Larry who was still unsure of his fathers fate.

You had both attended the funeral of your parent, you both had to witness your living parent suffer through the loss of their partner, and you both had to grow up always trying your best to come to terms with such an impactful loss. Feeling a lump in your throat, you were at a loss for words for a moment, the only sounds being the tires moving against the road and nighttime ambience.

"Sal...I'm sorry. I can't even begin to explain how much I know what that feels like. You're definitely right about New Years being a melancholy holiday, what everyone else sees as a happy new beginning, we see as a...bleak reminder.", the road turned to gravel as you made a right turn, now on the dirt path that lead towards the lake.

"And I know it's hard to stop seeing it that way, it's hard to stay positive when so many things remind you of your loss...b-but can I be honest with you?", you paused in between words as you looked over at Sal, him doing the same, "Ever since I've met you...my life's been so much better. It's so easy to stay positive when I get to spend time with you, see you smile, get to hug and kiss you...it's like you're exactly what I needed to let go of the past. Of course I'll never stop missing my dad, and I know you'll never stop missing your mom, but...being together makes me forget whatever's bothering me. Being with you...just makes life so much better.", the car stopped within a small dirt clearing, Larry's and Neil's car parked besides your own.

After turning the engine off and finishing your sentimental speech, you cleared your throat and wiped away at the small tears within the corner of your eyes, "S-sorry, I didn't mean to talk for so long, but I wanted-", you turned to look at your boyfriend but were surprised to see a droplet at the bottom of his mask, before it fell and landed upon the fabric of his jeans.

"S-Sal! Are you okay? I didn't mean to upset you, I was just-", your hands reached out and placed themselves upon his shoulders before his own hands reached behind his head, unbuckling the straps. Once he removed the prosthetic and placed it on the dashboard, you surprised to see that he wasn't frowning or upset, there was a genuine smile upon his lovely scarred complexion, a smile that beamed like never before. You were a bit confused until he spoke up, "Y/N...you really do always know exactly what to say to make everything feel okay. I didn't mean to cry, sorry, did I worry you?", he asked, wiping away at his face.

"Of course you worried me, Sal. I don't like seeing you cry, I like seeing that adorable smile a lot more.", you explained, hand caressing his cheek. In that moment, the two of you within the confines of the car, large vast lake and forest surrounding the two of you, stars more visible than ever up within the clear night sky, Sal knew this was the time.

"Y/N.", he spoke your name, you doing the same, "Yeah, Sal?", you asked. He gathered all his courage, "I...", as he spoke, a little stream of light made its way up into the sky before bursting into a glimmering display of blue light, "I love you.", he finished that statement just as the firework died down.

Just as the firework just had, you felt like your heart was about to burst after hearing Sallyface say that. That was the first time he had said that, and you had no clue how to react besides shyly smiling back at him, eyes beginning to twinkle with tears at their corners, blush completely consuming your cheeks, before you softly spoke up. "S-Sal...", you leaned towards him just as another firework made its way into the sky.

Softly, you whispered into his ear while embracing him in a tight hug, "I love you too, Sal.", as the firework burst within the air at the same time. Those three special words the two of you had spoken that night meant so much, the impact that those words had, the meaning behind those words, the utter and complete significance of those words; those words that were spoken were louder than the fireworks that dominated the sky for the remainder of the night.

The beginning of this new year was no longer going to be a melancholy reminder, but the beginning of a new chapter within your relationship with Sallyface, a chapter where you both could express that loving sentiment freely, "I love you.".

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