"Indeed they are, but if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be able to get a moment of peace," Henry said and Isabel blinked. "But I don't understand...how do I bring you peace?" She asked in confusion, tilting her head to the side.

Isabel sat back as he shifted and sat up, looking at her now. "Because you don't have any ambition, no need to climb the ladder of power," he said, looking her in the eye, brown meeting an understanding blue.

Isabel's mouth twitched and she leaned on her side, propping her elbow upon the ground as her hand supported her head. "You mean to say that I do not scheme for my own gain? How do you know that I won't betray you?"

"I don't believe that you'd do that," Henry said. "You've been with us for almost half a fortnight and all you have been is kind to the men, despite them being the enemy of your people."

"It is a simple courtesy, " she protested and he arched an eyebrow at her. "And yet we have not been met with such a 'simple courtesy' by your fellow Frenchmen." "Because they have lost fathers and brothers, uncles and nephews, to your forces!" Isabel protested. "I know," Henry replied as his eyes darted to the ground.

Isabel swallowed before sitting up and leaning forward, placing her hand on his. "Do you regret it?" She asked her voice low. Henry remained slightly for quite some time before saying, "Sometimes."

He looked down at her hand as he continued. "When I see my men lying in the mud, dead or dying. I wonder if it was worth it as every command I give ends in death on our side or on the enemy's."

"Then let me share the burden," Isabel said suddenly, wrapping her other hand around his, her fingers entwining through his. "Let me take some of the weight from your shoulders. As a nurse, I've had my own share of failure."

"I don't want you to feel any guilt-" "Henry," said Isabel forcefully as she cut him off. "We can't save everyone. Sometimes God calls us to his side earlier than we would want. It is our duty to make sure it is as painless as possible and help them to the right path."

"Oh, Isabel," he said almost breathlessly, and something inside of Isabel curled at the sound of her name on his tongue. Suddenly, Isabel wanted to pull away while yearning to lean closer at the same time. The same question flashed in her head when she first felt this way, What was happening to her? She thought in almost a terrified way. Blood rushed through her and she was sure Henry could hear her heart thundering inside of her chest.

"Henry!" Humphrey's voice ripped through the trance and the two jumped apart. "Ambush, get over here, now!"

"What?" Isabel questioned as Henry jumped to his feet, immediately on guard. He grabbed her hand and practically yanked her off her feet. Ambush? What -What's happening! The childish and naive part of herself screamed while the other half managed through her panic, prepare yourself.

Suddenly the peace of the clearing was gone and the sound of shouting and the clash of weapons filled her ears. The noise was so shocking and the sudden change from peace to war was terrifying, making Isabel want to curl up and scream just to shut it all out. Instead, she steeled herself the best she could as Henry pulled her behind a tree. "Stay here and do not, under any circumstance, come out," he commanded and she merely nodded.

Henry charged headfirst into the fray, leaving Isabel gripping the bark of the tree with her fingers. Her breathing was coming fast and heavy and she peeked out from behind the tree. Isabel's eyes traveled across the camp. Tents were on fire, men fought each other, hacking at flesh and leather.

There was a man lying face down in the mud and Isabel watched him with a critical eye. There! He was barely breathing, the slight rise and fall of his back the only sign of life. Ignoring Henry's command, Isabel ran out from behind the tree, ducking behind panicking horses, tents splattered with red, carts, and finally reaching his side.

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