Old Madam Zhang said angrily, “What do you mean you don’t know where she went? She’s your mother, how can you not know? She has no friends or relatives in town. Why would she go to town for no reason?”

Gu Qingyao was so frightened that she started to cry.

“Speak!” Old Madam Zhang bellowed.

Gu Qingyao began to quiver in fear. “I really don’t know. My mother didn’t tell me, and doesn’t allow me to ask her questions. She likes my elder sister, but not me. Yesterday, I saw my elder sister wearing new clothes and she said Mother bought them for her. I was so envious that I asked Mother to buy me new clothes too, but she gave me a terrible scolding instead. I don’t dare to look for her…”

Chapter 108: Where Has Zhang Xiaohui Gone? (3)

New clothes!

To the villagers, this was something extremely precious. Everyone’s clothes were old. Even the city folk seldom had new clothes to wear.

Siblings handed their clothes down, from the older to the younger sibling, and then to the next youngest child. Otherwise, the clothes were converted into something else.

In fact, many of the children in the brigade did not have clothes!

But Zhang Xiaohui had bought new clothes for Gu Ruoqing? And she had bought them in town?

Gu Qingyao’s words divulged too much information. The more they heard, the more puzzled everyone felt!

When Old Madam Zhang heard that Zhang Xiaohui had bought new clothes for Gu Ruoqing, but not for the grandchildren in the family, or for her son, she lost her temper. “That heartless creature. She has money to buy new clothes, but doesn’t give it to me. Tell her to buy new clothes for me, her elder brother and Dabao!”

Gu Qingyao was shocked!

“Grandmother, Father didn’t give us much money before he left. We have no money and no cloth coupons! Mother has no money…”

“Shut up! If she has no money and no coupons, where did she get the new clothes from?”

Gu Qingyao was so frightened she hid behind Wen Ruyu and did not dare to speak anymore.

Old Madam Zhang was so fierce that many children were afraid of her. She was infamous in the brigade for being difficult to deal with, and it was normal for the children to be terrified of her.

In the past, Gu Qingyao had given the impression of being obedient and mature. She worked quietly without saying much, and was a shy young girl. Now that Old Madam Zhang shouted at her a few times, it was normal for her to be frightened into tears, and be too afraid to speak.

Gu Qingyao did not dare to say anymore. When Wen Ruyu saw that her precious granddaughter was so frightened, she tried to protect Gu Qingyao. She looked very angry, but did not dare to openly quarrel with Old Madam Zhang in front of so many others.

With her background, she had to be cautious. Quarreling with someone like Old Madam Zhang would only bring trouble to herself.

Wen Ruyu nudged her husband. Gu Conghua also thoroughly despised this fellow, so he hurriedly packed his things and left with Wen Ruyu and Gu Qingyao.

They left, but the surrounding crowd discussed Zhang Xiaohui even more fervently.

Where had she gotten the money?

Where had she gotten the cloth coupons?

Why did she go to town every day?

What was she doing there?

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