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You closed your eyes, the rush of wind rippling and blowing through your hair as you pocketed your hands. 

Today is perfect, no need to rush. You continuously scolded yourself, you open your eyes back sauntering along slowly, watching the grass crumble under your steps. When you looked up your eyes softened at the blue sky, no clouds to be seen, the sound of birds twittering and chirping from afar.

The cliffs are always quiet, and beautiful, lacking many people making it the perfect place for quiet and relaxation. You stopped at the edge, beforelooking to your right slowly and walking to the young Oak, sitting with your back to it and relaxing. 

You closed your eyes again, taking another deep breath.

"So, you finally made a decision?" A soft voice spoke, you didn't open your eyes, knowing who it was. 

"I have, yes." You spoke softly, almost scared to scare the voice off. 

They were silent for a second knowing the choice, "Why?"

You were quiet, letting the wind quiet down until you spoke, "You know why, I did promise I would follow you to the very end, didn't I Zuzu?"

Izuku sighed quietly, shuffling and sitting down beside you, "Is it worth it though? Do you want it that bad?"

"I long for it." You confirmed and he let out another sigh, this time shaky and heavy with emotion.

"You know I can't stop you." He spoke quietly, a cold air lingering on your shoulder and staying, Izuku's hand rested there, "You follow what you want, I guess... But have you said anything to them?"

"I felt notes. One for each person." You hummed, reaching a hand up to touch the cold spot on your shoulder, "Don't worry about me, okay?"

Izuku pulled away, and you dropped your hand again, "What about Kachan?"

"He doesn't matter right now, Izu." You spoke quietly, feeling sleepy, "I always was told it would hurt, but I feel nice, you know?"

Izuku hummed, "I know, I felt the same."

You nod, the wave of sleepiness washing over you again, thinking back, before you got your quirk, talking to Izuku after school about the hero's, how his green eyes always seemed to light up with each new mention of a different hero.

You always found it a bit cute, even as you look back on it now, you knew you had a little girl crush on the poor boy only making you smile even more right now. 


You let the smile fade and it was replaced with knitted eyebrows and a sad frown. 

You were even going to take the UA test with him but... 

"You always told me, when I hear you, that it was the sludge villain that killed you. It wasn't, was it?"

Izuku hummed, "No it wasn't."

"You did say you saw All Might before you died... Did you finally meet him?" Izuku hummed in affirmation, "Then how..?"

Izuku was silent for a second, "He told me I couldn't be a hero and just left." Izuku spoke slowly, you can just imagine him looking at his hands, " I think it was Kachan too, you know, telling me to kill myself that same day, and how you weren't at school to protect me. I just thought you could do better without me, you know?"

You hum, "I never thought I would ever lose you, ya know?" You spoke quietly, "Bakugou took it hard too, kind of had to help him out..." You stopped your thought, letting Izuku think for his own, "I never made it into UA, you know."

"Yeah... Yeah, I know."

"Bakugou did, he's going to be a great hero."

"Yeah, he really will."

You snort, "And he chose the cheesiest hero name ever, such a fanboy."

Izuku giggled beside you, "We already knew, he just didn't want to admit it." You hum, smiling.

"To be honest, I went to the Yakuza for the drugs." You admitted, remembering the needle, "I injected about 5 minutes ago, they say I have about 2 minutes left then."

Izuku spoke again, "So? What pushed you over the edge?"

You hum, "Bakugou told me to fuck off, that he didn't need me, that I was a hindrance, and that I never was a friend. Told his whole squad I just was friends with them because they were heroes in the making, thinking I could get some exclusive pass for it." You shrug lazily, "That didn't bother me, but suddenly being friendless was the real banger."

"What about your family?"

"They're dead, remember? The attack on Hosu?" You reminded Izuku. He hummed.

"Yeah, now I remember." He was quiet for a second and your mind became heavier, "What grade are they in again?"

You took a second to respond, being able to talk seemed harder than before, "He's nearing the end of the first year. It's too bad I won't be able to watch him be a real hero, you know?"

Izuku nods, "We'll have our time when he joins us."

You snort softly, "I still can't believe I'm talking to someone dead before dying... Kind of like.. A movie."

Izuku nodded, "Just sleep, you earned it, I'll be here when you wake up."

You nod shallowly, letting the darkness finally swallow you, the sound of the ocean, the wind, the birds all muffled out and you stopped breathing, finally joining Izuku.

You never awoke when Bakugou came running, shaking your shoulders, yelling your name. You were finally happy now, and Bakugou can cry all he wants. You know he'll be a great hero, and he knows you and Izuku will be there for when he finally meets his end.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2021 ⏰

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