Chapter Two: Invisible

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Chapter Two: Invisible

Green removed his calloused hand off my eyes. I blinked a few times before taking a look at my surroundings. Unusually bright green trees towered over top of us. The grass was coloured a soft pink and felt like cotton candy through my shoes.

My shoes... I glanced down at my feet to see that my tall stiletto high-heels had been replaced by brown vine woven sandals. The grey, bejeweled outfit I had had on before had vanished and was replaced by a simple, thin, white sundress. It moved slightly at the tiny breeze coming from the bright trees.

"Welcome, child, to the In Between," Green said softly, gesturing with wide arms our surroundings.

Small bright pixies floated past us, giggling and whispering in high-pitched voices. Centaurs galloped past, slowing down to wave and smile, I returned the favor.

"The In Between? What's that?" I asked, still mesmerized by the creatures around us. Name anything magical and it was there; mermaids by the pond, satyrs clopping on the path, feather-winged faeries walking past casually.

"The world in between all worlds. Hence, in between." Green started walking towards a large fountain with a statue of a man with feathered wings. I followed after him quickly, nearly crashing in to a moving centaur.

I watched closely as green tossed a small gold coin in to the clear waters of the fountain. It shimmered as the light bounced off of it and it landed with a hardly audible clink.

The water began to move slightly, then faster.

Oh no, if I get sucked in to this thing I am going freak out! I thought hotly.

"You called? Oh Green! Just who I was expecting," a voice hollered. I jumped, looking around quickly, trying to find the source. But Green was leaning over the fountain edge, looking down at a face.

The face belonged to a beautiful women. She had dark brown curls cascading down her cheeks, reaching her shoulders. She had striking blue eyes, and it wasn't just the water. She had a pendant hanging around her neck, made of pure gold with a large diamond attached to the bottom.

"Matilda, how long has it been?" Green responded. He turned to me, "Matilda happens to be your aunt. She has been awaiting your arrival in the Fey world."

Fey world? What?

"My only aunt lives in Chicago. Her name is Candy. This isn't even possible."

"Oh but it is: Candy isn't related to you by blood, Matilda is, and she happens to know something you need to know."

I took a step closer and looked down in to the fountain. Goodness, she is beautiful.

"Hello, Angela. It's been so long. You've grown up since you were eight. You are a beautiful young lady."

I was eight when my father left me. I could briefly remember there being a dark-haired woman in the house here and there, but my mom had dark hair as well. Must just be a coincidence.

"Hi," I said uncertainly. "Sorry, but before we start, could someone explain to me what the Fey world is?"

My outburst seemed to make Matilda and Green laugh. "Oh, but dear, this is the Fey world. Well, only a small part of it. The In Between is connected to any sort of dimension imaginable; your world, our world. Many species of the Fey gather here to chat or just think."

Matilda's eyes had a certain sparkle, as if she had drawn magnificent artwork and was admiring it.

"All these creatures are fey? I thought only faeries were like... faeries." We were easily getting off topic...

"Oh, Angela you speak of the fairytales. They're all lies. They Fey are any sort of magical or seemingly paranormal creatures." She paused. "Now, what I have to tell you."

"Alright, sorry. I'm ready," I said, taking a quick breath. I closed my eyes, though I don't know why, just to compose myself I guess.

I felt two arms wrap around me and a grunt at my side. "Green?" I screamed. "Green what's happening?"

"I believe we're being attacked!" He replied, clearly as scared as I. I opened my eyes, trying to shake my head from side to side but my head wouldn't budge. Someone was holding me still and dragging me along. I kicked my legs, hoping to make contact but got nothing.

I looked down, past my nose, to catch a look at the arms around my waist but saw nothing. "They're invisible!" I screamed.

"Be quiet princess, stay still while we--oomph!" The invisible man and I were thrown over to the side by a magnificent force.

"Ow! What are you doing!" I yelled. My eyes moved up two hairy legs which meant human skin and leaded up to a teenage boy's face. It was a satyr.

"Follow me," he said, sticking out a hand, which I grabbed and he yanked me up. I ran after him, trying to match his speed. If only I signed up for track club this year, I thought with regret. After a short amount of time, my breath shortened and I had trouble talking.

"I'm Angela. What's your name?" I asked, wheezing. The satyr was actually quite attractive. He had deep brown eyes and and deep brown hair. Around his short, round horns popping out of his skull, was a small wreath of grass and leaves.

"Rondale. Rondale Tress." He smiled: his teeth were as white as snow and they twinkled.

"Wait, where's Green?" I said, slowing down. I stopped and looked around, nothing. "Rondale, where's Green?"'

"Angela, we need to move, he'll catch up with us soon, don't fret. Move." Rondale moved back and grabbed my arm, dragging me along.

"But, he has to come with us!" I protested. His strength over powered mine and I tripped over my feet. I nearly landed on my feet but stopped in midair. Not one part of my body touched the ground. I was floating. I put my feet down on the ground with slight difficulty.

"Rondale, how did you do that?" I asked in amazement, as we started running again.

"Oh no, I did nothing. You stopped yourself from falling," he replied, looking at me like I should've known.

Oh man, ever since that toilet experience, things have been very weird. Now what? Am I telekinetic?

We kept on running until we reached the outside of the In Between park. A dark line of trees surrounded us.

"Child, you run fast!" A voice said, but Rondale's mouth never moved.

I looked down and saw Green, standing beside my leg, he only came up to my hip. I let out a shriek. "Green! You scared me!"

"I scared you? You scared me! You ran off with a satyr! Do you not know how dangerous that is?"

"Dangerous? How? Rondale is very nice. He saved me from the invisible men."

"I was attacked as well, child." Green took a deep breath. "Satyrs can be dangerous. Rondale, as you say, may be different, though. But satyrs use others for their ... desires, and he may have been wanting to use you for his."

I looked at Rondale pleadingly. "You wouldn't do that, would you?" I asked.

He shook his head, letting two leaves flutter down. "Never, Angela. I came to help you."

"I hope you did," Green said sternly, "because you're coming with us."


Oh snap! Cliff hanger...

What do you think'll happen next?

Is it also an early upload? Holy crap!

I hope everyone's 2012 ends with awesomeness and 2013 starts with it too.


Next upload: Sunday, January 6

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