I've found him

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  Neve ended up accepting the offer and joined the drama club, leaving her with the boring job of cleaning and setting up the lights, it was still better than acting and being looked at by such scary animals. While she finished adjusting the lights for the day, the attractive deer approached carefully and touched her shoulder "Hey Neve, done adjusting the lights?" Neve just looked at him and her heart beat faster, why was he so incredibely sexy.... "Y-yeah... I'm just about done..." her face got red, even her ears did so, but she nodded anyways, who could say no to that face after all...

  When they were leaving he held her hand without looking at her face, Neve panicked but held his hand firmly. Louis was leading her to the back of the school, and when they arrived he looked at her deep in the eyes and said "I don't know how you got accepted to this school, but I'm really happy you did" he stopped for a second "I... really love you Neve..." hearing that made the girl so happy she could explode "M-me too Louis... ever since we were being sold, I-I've always loved you!" the deer that never expressed emotion actually cried a little and didn't try to hide it from his beloved. Louis got closer and then closer to her and then their lips touched, they were kissing.

the end

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2021 ⏰

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