useless idea 1

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A girl layed crying alone beside her music box the girl cried"why is life unfair" the weeped under the willow tree as the sad memories kept replaying in her head Metracidal Andi came forward to the weeping girl as the girl mirrored herself the girl looked up at the brunetted female with glossy the girl felt like Glass feeling like she could break at any minute

The girl asked: who are?

Metracidal Andi:
I am someone not of importance

The girl asked the female: why is life unfair

This was easy for the brunetted female to answer

Metracidal Andi: life is endless labyrinth filled with misfortune and misguidece if you ever want to be happy you have to go through the pain or you will never be able to truly move forward

Metracidal Andi: life is still mysteries and questions

The girl wept on the brunetted female as the brunetted female held the girl close to her as she sang the words from her music box comforting the girl  throughout the night the Metracidal Andi disappears without a trace of her existence
The girl still many many many questions to ask her and there a pinkish reddish heart on her arm this symbolizes the Brunetted femals will still be watching her
The girl picks her music box walks down the pathway taking what the female said to mind with no tears left to cry one day the girl and the brunetted female will cross paths again

A/n: do you want me to turn this into a story?

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