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Because I am bored with my geometry teacher, I am going to take this time to write a kinda prequel chapter to this story. So basically, this is going to chronical the timeline of rini from rotating perspectives. This is (loosely) based of of personal events, so please don't judge the plot. The friendships are as close to the show as possible, with a couple exceptions. I have those listed below. If they have an X by there name, then they don't have any changes in personality. Gina still moves later, but in middle school, not high school. There will occasionally be one-off chapters that don't influence the plot, but feel fun to add. For example, I may add a Seblos chapter that is canon in the book, but has no influence on Rini. So yeah. Character chart below.

P.S. Julie and the Phantoms is a show in this book

Character chart:

Nini- a quiet girl who has had to move a lot. She loves arts of all kinds, from painting to sketching to music, but her absolute favorite is performing arts, specifically on stage. She is what some would describe as "a slob" but she knows just where everything is, no matter the look. She loves watching cheesy musicals, such as the HSM trilogy and Julie and the Phantoms. Basically anything directed by Kenny Ortega. Collecting random Tchotchke (Chach- key) is something she enjoys.

Ricky- an overall sweet boy, he is good friends with big red, and often stays in his shadow. He doesn't really have any known hobbies, but secretly enjoys acting and playing chess. Other than this, is the same to show Ricky.

Big Red- an outgoing person, big red what some would consider "a jerk" at the beginning of this book, as we will be seeing it with an overall lens of Nini's bias. Really, he has a kind heart, but doesn't always know how to express it because of what he has been going through. Basically he begins as the opposite of how we see him in the show. Sorry for this, I love big red in the show, but this is how he best fit in the book.

Kourtney- the kind of gal to make friends easily, she often is considered boisterous and funny. She is kind of the "ringleader" of her patchwork group of friends. She is almost always seen with her friends, laughing or playing pretend. She is the kind person who doesn't care what other people think. She loves all her friends, but she kinda has a soft spot for Big Red. If she wasn't such a stubborn gal, she might admit that "soft spot" is code for crush. Sorry about this, I am totally a redlyn shipper, but this is what fits for the story.

Gina-X but she is nice


Ashlyn- a proud out girl who doesn't care about opinions. She loves technology clubs, along with acting and marching in any peaceful protest she can get to. Basically a more kickbutt version of her in the show, but a lesbian.



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