The Future for a speacil family

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Jarrods pov

Its march , 2018 at 1.00am and im awake laying on the couch my fiance Clara in my arm's. I place my cheek on her forehead and smile as i her her soft giggles threw her sleep. softly i pick her up wrapping a blanket around her i take her upstairs to our room. I lay her down in our kingsize bed and pull the covers over her as i kiss her lips softly. i sigh and walk downstairs picking up the pizza box and cups I go into the kitchen putting the box in the trash and  put the cups and plate's into the sink as i fill it with hot warm water and some soap. I look out the window and see a figure coming up to the house i narrow my eyes : its dark and raining and i cant see there face but i make out the shape of there body , defiantly a girl. closing my eyes i sigh thinking of a girl i used to speak to a girl i used to call my sister,


there's a nock on the door and carfully i approch it fearing whats on the other side. I placa my hand on the door handle and twist it taking a deep breathe and open it.

on the other side is somthing i never expected to see. she looks up at me

" Hi jarrod" she says with a smile and thats the last thing i hear before i black out.

girls pov

omg omg omg omg omg . i killed him omg omg omg. i run over to the sink removing the plates and cups from the sink and pick up the basin throwing the water all over him ; knlling down I shake him "ROGERS!!! JARROD!! WAKE UP PLEASE WAKE UP!!" i slap him and he pounces up

"what the actually fuck!? why am i wet!? why did you slap me!? and oh my god" i see him lean against the counter. "its you"

i nodd " I thought id suprise you so tada" i throw my arms up with a big grin "suprised?"

he nodds with a chuckle and i grin and sit up on the counter

"when did you get here?" he asks me

"2 days ago i got lost i slept on th beach last night" i sigh and rubb my eyes yawning

"omg shelby!" he runs out and comes back a minute later with a pair of pyjamas and a towel "The geust room is upstairs, first door on the left ok"

i nodd and smile and run upstairs.

Finally i am here with my big brother


The Future for a speacil familyWhere stories live. Discover now