Chapter 25: I thought I Had You

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"Hey Danielle there's a keg stand challenge going on in the kitchen." Maddie ran up to the girl almost knocking her down.

"Seriously... who with" Danielle ask curiously shifting her attention away from Kaylee.

"Toni and Veronica we have to go" Maddie jumped shaking Danielle in excitement.

"Totally, tell Toni not to start without me. I have to see this. Just let me finish my call" Danielle pointed at her phone.

"Okay but hurry. This is going to be legendary" the girl yelled once more running away. Kaylee couldn't help but look anywhere but the girl on the screen.

"Kaylee" Danielle called out. Kaylee turned back to the screen. She saw the guilt in her girlfriend eyes. "Do you wanna watch the best keg stand challenge ever" Danielle laughed.

"No" Kaylee didn't hesitate to answer.

"Come on, it will be fun" Danielle protested trying to convince the older girl to watch it with her. "Toni does this thing where she-"

"What's fun about watching 2 girls get drunk. I would rather spend my time talking to you" Kaylee cut Danielle off as she was starting to feel irritated.

"Fine, how about I call you in a few. Then we can-"

"No Danielle, I'm tired. I'm really... tired" Kaylee dropped her head. Danielle snapped out of whatever drunken trance she was in and walked into a random room giving herself privacy to talk to the superstar.

"Hey what's wrong" Danielle asked. Kaylee didn't answer she just looked away. She wanted to blink away the tears that were forming in her eyes. She felt frustrated. "Kaylee talk to me"

"Now you want me to talk to you. For the past two months I have done nothing but talk to you. Yet you seem to be the only one who leaves me on read or delivered." Kaylee began to raise her voice.

"I've been busy. You think you're the only one who has things to do. You're not that special" Danielle scoffed.

"I'm not saying I am. I'm saying that every chance I get to talk to you I take it. I am the only one putting effort here"

"Seriously. I am trying but you have to understand Kaylee you are 2000 miles away. Two different time zones. You go out on dates with Aria. You are engaged quote-unquote. I finally have friends and a life. Why can't you be happy for me" it was Danielle turn to raise her voice.

"I am happy for you. But it doesn't mean you have to neglect your girlfriend... I give you every ounce of my attention. Why can't you do the same for me"

"DONT" Danielle shouted. "Don't you ever tell me that I'm neglecting you because I haven't done anything that would indicate such things. You know you are really starting to sound like Andrew."

"Are you insane... you were about to leave me for two girls doing a keg stand. If that's not neglect I don't know what is. And don't you ever compare me to someone like him. I have done nothing but love you." Kaylee scoffed.

"Yet I am right here talking to you. If I didn't want to talk to you then I wouldn't of answer. Which now I'm starting to think I should of done" Danielle laughed in anger. "You are so narcissistic."

"What the hell are you talking about. I have done nothing but give you my time and attention, love you." Kaylee got up from where she was sitting anger building up. "I just wanted a simple conversation with you. Even for a minute or a second. To see you pretty little face."

"Yeah and all you've done is get mad at me for having fun and doing things I want to do. I'm here at this party trying to have fun and you are upset because I didn't answer your calls once"

"Are you even listening to me! What the hell is wrong with you? Is it the alcohol that's make you this insufferable." Kaylee could feel her pent-up anger escaping. She knew if this continued words that could never be taken back would be throw around.

"Is this how little you think of me. That me drinking has anything to do with you getting angry for no reasoning. No what's really going on is you're mad because your so insecure that any alcohol I have will result in me cheating. A reminder of your previous relationship. You're so damaged that you can't even see it...I can't handle it Kaylee. You're so fucked up." Danielle shouted. The two where now having a stare off.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now. I don't give a fuck about That. I have a right to be angry. I have a right to check up on my girlfriend to make sure YOU are okay. I have a right..." Kaylee stopped. She run her fingers through her hair. She saw Danielle narrowing her eyes at the screen shaking her head. Kaylee wanted to say 'don't leave me' but she couldn't do it, not again. She was so tired of begging people to love her. "I don't know where to begin. So I'll begin where I shall end, with my love for you, I'm done. We're done." Was the last thing Kaylee said before she ended the call. It only took her a few seconds to realize what just happened. In anger and sadness she tossed her phone into the wall shattering it.

Kaylee stood there with a blank mind, trying to comprehend what had happened, where it went wrong, where she went wrong. She spent the whole time trying to comprehend that one line as it swam around in her head. What she realized was what Danielle had been saying wasn't that she couldn't handle this, them, whatever they were, what Danielle was really saying was 'I can't handle you'

Kaylee couldn't help but think that, despite all the romantic movie bullshit she'd been in, that perhaps all relationships were just a simple case of who gives up first. As Kaylee began to feel lightheaded, losing balance and dropping to her knees, she kept trying to decide which option was worse: giving up on someone when they swore they wouldn't, or waking up to find that they had already given up first.

Suddenly Kaylee was falling into a darkness. A darkness in which she felt some form of comfort in.

Scene One: Your Biggest FanOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz