Part 2~

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When lunch time was over I had PE with mr Simpson. Since it was still the first day I didn't know who was in that class so I just had to wait and see. I really don't give a shit who's in it as long as I'm not with Cory again he's just a bitch. This was my last period today thankfully because this day has been so long I still can't believe I'm getting on so well with... some people. In my other school I only had my friend, Emma she wasn't the best choice but at least she stayed by my side. I walked into the PE hall and mr Sampson told me to get changed. Our PE kit was shorts with a baggy T-shirt. And the guys wore shorts and a regular shirt. The PE kit wasn't as bad as my other schools but I still looked awful In it, I tied my hair up In a messy bun because all the girls have their hair like that so it didn't really embarrass me at all. When i got out of the changing rooms I see nobody in the hall except from mr Simpson. "Stand in a circle" he said to me so that's what I did then Missy comes in her PE kit "I thought we didn't have any other classes together?" I said to missy. "I lied" missy said to me. We both laugh. There is a boys line and a girls line so when I looked at the boys line i see Jordan!
I was shocked I never knew we had PE together. He looks at me and smiles and I smile back obviously missy sees me and whispers "he is kind of fit to be honest" we both laugh because I knew she was kidding. "Right! Everyone! We are going to be doing football today!" Mr Simpson said. I look at missy and missy looks at me "sir I can't do football it's too boring for me" Missy said. I laugh and everyone starts to "oooooo" "well I'm afraid to say but we have to" mr Wilson says while going to get a ball from the PE equipment room. "Who wants to pick teams?" He said. Nobody put their hand up so mr Simpson had to pick people. "Jordan and Riz?" They both say yes and Jordan picks me first surprisingly because little does he know that i played football in my old school and won a trophy. He also picked missy, yay. He picks a few others but I don't know their names. When we start the match Jordan has the ball and passes to me and move up towards the goal. Riz is in front of me blocking my way "pass Ellie!" Said Jordan. So I passed to him and he missed the goal. It bounced off the walls so I got the ball and goal
I didn't play football in a long time but we won I scored 2 times and Jordan scored 3 times. PE was over and that meant it was home time and we got our stuff and left a and I met Jordan at the gate. Missy and Nas came to us and said about the party tonight. Turns out he's going. "Are you going Ellie?" Jordan said to me. I looked at missy "yeah maybe" I said to Jordan. Missy and nas left and I got a message from my mum
              Mum:    Sorry I'm working late tonight can you walk home? x
              Me:        It's ok I will walk
I looked back up at Jordan and said "sorry it was my mum" "it's ok I assume you need to go?" He said to me. "No she's working late and I need to walk." I said. He looked at me and smiled and I done the same "I will walk with you then" he said to me happily. I nodded and started walking over a grassy hill. I had butterflies and had an awkward moment with him. "You were good at football earlier I see" he said  "yeah I done it at my old school back in London" I replied. We both stopped and made eye contact I smiled and he started to lean in and before I knew it we were kissing. His lips were soft against mine and he pulled away and held my hand. We both laugh "I'm sorry if that was too early" he said to me "no it wasn't I liked it" I said. We continued talking and laughing until I got to my house and I asked him to come in, i knew my mum finishes work at like 9pm when she's late so I knew we had lots of time to spare. "Your house is nice" he said to me. "Thanks my room is upstairs" I said running towards the stairs. He came running after me and went to my room, I sat on my bed and he said "do you have a charger?" "Yeah here" I said giving him a charger. When he finished with putting his phone on the charger he looked at me and we kissed for longer this time. I giggled and smiled. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" He said nervously. "Of course Jordan"
I said smiling. He kissed me again and he went to his house on his bike. I walked him to the door and closed it behind him. I couldn't of been happier I needed to text my group chat with Missy and Nas
Me:              Guess what just happened
Missy:           What happened?
Me:                I'm no longer singleeeeeee
Nas:               I'm so happy for you
Missy:         Are you with Jordan?
Me:             Mayyyyybbbbbeeeeeeee
Nas:              I knew this would happen
Missy:            Well I will see you 2 at the party
I was smiling by reading the texts and I couldn't wait for the party tonight I wonder what missy and nas bought me. Maybe I should go to their house to get it so I texted them and they gave me their address and called an Uber to her house. When I went outside I looked around and say missy in her living room and she came to me and ran to a hug. "So... give me the details about Jordan!" Missy said to me excitedly "well... all I know is that we are going to the party and we... kissed!" I said smiling. Next the door opens and it was a lady with a pink hijab and she looked like she was missys mum but I didn't say anything because I didn't know anything about it. "Mum, I told you never to come back. Get out!" Missy said angrily. So it was her mum... "sorry about that she is my mum; not the best looking but she's still my mum" missy said to me while slamming the door shut in her mums face. "Missy can I see the dress please?" I said trying to change the subject. "Yes it's upstairs follow me!" Missy said shouting from the stairs. I followed her and went into her room and saw a pretty pink tight dress, it looked really nice and it was my sort of style. "If you don't like it-" she said but I cut her off by saying "No Missy i love it! How much was it? I will give you the money back." I said. "No! Don't be silly! Your my friend and I want to see it on you!" She said excitedly "it's a surprise" I said while taking the dress downstairs. "I better go and start getting ready" I said while opening the door to go outside. "Okay bye!" Missy replied.
Ooo I can't wait for the party to see what happens. I will make the next part quicker and hopefully post once every two days byeeeeeee

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