"Hey! Unfair!" Jason yelled, pointing at her.

"Okay, now she tripped Jason. Once!" Lucas yelled.

"Are you kidding me? That's insane!" Dustin exclaimed, "imagine all the other cool stuff they could do." Walking over, Dustin grabbed Mike's millennial falcon, "I bet... that they could make this fly!"

Showing the girls it, he said, "Hey. Hey." Then got their attention, "Okay, concentrate. Okay?" But when he let go, they just it fall. So Dustin tried it again and again but they kept letting it fall.

"They're not dogs!" Mike said, taking it away from Dustin.

"Boys!" Karen yelled, "Time for school!" Only Dustin, Lucas, and Jason grabbed their stuff and went upstairs.

"Just stay down here." Mike explained to the girls, "Don't make any noise, and don't leave. If you get hungry, eat Dustin's snacks, okay?"

"Michael!" Karen yelled for her son.

"Coming!" Mike yelled back, then spoke quieter to the girls, "you know those power lines?"

"Power lines?" El and Y/n asked.

"Yeah. The ones behind my house?" Mike asked.

"Yes." El said, Y/n just nodded.

"Meet is there, after school." Mike said.

"After school?" Y/n asked.

"Yeah, 3:15." Mike confirmed, but the girls just stared at him confused, "Ah." Mike muttered, taking off his watch, and putting it on Eleven, "when the numbers read three-one-five, meet us there."

"'Three-one-five'." El repeated.

"Three-one-five." Mike confirmed.

"Give Jason hell. He deserves it." Y/n said, then Mike left.


Back the house, El was making the millennial falcon while Y/n walked around, digging through stuff.

"Oh shit!" Y/n said, startling El, making her look away from the millennial falcon.

"What?" El whispered, walking over to her friend and sister figure.

"It's me and my brothers." Y/n whispered, smiling, getting pulled away, she pocketed the picture, saving it to show Jason.

The girls walk upstairs, ignoring what Mike said not to do, they decide to split up. El goes into the living room, while Y/n decides to go into the kitchen.

"I found apple juice!" Y/n said excitedly, El chose to ignore her. Not understanding what her obsession with it was. In the process of ignoring her, El kicked out the La-Z-boy. But she got very bored of it soon and messed with the phone, mocking it.

Finally joining El, Y/n and her walked to the tv, turning it on, to see Ronald Reagan talking. El changed the channel to He-man, she changed it again to an infomercial, finally she changed it to a coca-cola commercial, making the girls remember something.


Sitting in the lab, Y/n and El were being watched by Dr. Brenner, they were attempting to crush a can of Coca Cola, which they were able to do. This made Dr. Brenner proud.

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