The Day Bakugou Babysat

Start from the beginning

"It smells so good! Can we eat now?" Eri asks excitedly.

"Yeah, let me get you a plate."

Bakugou rummages around until he finds two plates, placing them both on the counter. He takes one and starts piling food onto it. Eri feels her mouth start to water.

"Here you go. Go sit on the couch and find something to watch, I'll be there in a second."

Eri takes her plate and walks off, putting her food on the coffee table and sitting down. She grabs the remote from the table and turns the tv on, looking for something to watch.

Her eyes light up when she sees that Mulan is on.

Bakugou joins her soon after, his eyes holding a glint of amusement as he sees what Eri put on.

"Have you tried it yet?" He asks.

"No, I was waiting for you!" Eri replies, making room for Bakugou on the couch.

"Thanks Unicorn," Bakugou ruffles Eri's hair again, sitting down next to her.

Once he's settled, both of them clasp their hands together. "Itadakimasu!" They both exclaim.

Eri grabs her fork and plate, scooping up some of the curry and eating it.

"Mmm! It's so good!" She says around bites of food.

"Of course it is, we made it. Now stop talking with your mouth full." Bakugou retorts hypocritically around his own mouthful of curry.

The two turn their attention to the movie as they eat, with Bakugou more interested than Eri expected.

Once they both finish their plates of curry, they shift around to get more comfortable. Bakugou stretches out on the couch, with Eri resting on top of him, using the explosive teen as a pillow.

"Mulan's pretty cool isn't she?" Bakugou asks as the movie drones on.

"Yeah!" Eri pipes up. "She beats up all the bad guys! And she made friends with a dragon!"

"She did. But she also proved that girls are just as capable as boys are. When you grow up, there might be people who say you can't do something just because you're a girl. If that happens, prove them wrong. And then punch them. That usually gets the message across."

Eri looks up at the blonde, her head tilted slightly. "Don't worry, I will! People who say those things are meanies, and meanies are never right!"

"That's right. But don't be afraid to ask for help, you hear me Unicorn? That's something I've been trying to work on, it's a slow process but I want to be better." He glances down at Eri with a smirk. "My point is, if you need help, ask someone. And make sure that someone is me. We can kick butt together."

Eri giggles and lays her head back down. "I'll remember that, thanks."

Bakugou grunts a response, ending their conversation.

Eri and Bakugou continue watching the movie, or so Eri thinks. Because about twenty minutes later Eri hears soft snores from above her and when she looks up, Bakugou is asleep.

She smiles and pulls the blanket over her shoulders closer, letting out a quiet yawn. And though she tries to keep her eyes open, she eventually gives in and falls asleep.

~Time Skip~

Class 1-A walks into the common room loudly, but stops when they see who's there.

Bakugou and Eri lay asleep on the couch. Eri is resting on Bakugou's chest with the blonde's arm draped over her protectively. Bakugou himself snores quietly with a soft expression on his face.

"Be quiet everyone, let them rest," Iida lectures, convincing the class to disperse.

Kirishima and Mina make their way into the kitchen and find the curry left out with a note beside it.

Take what you want losers. Eri and I made it so you better thank her in the morning.

Kirishima chuckles as he reads the note while Mina tells the class.

That evening, at least half the class snaps a picture of Bakugou and Eri before retreating to their rooms with a plate of food in hand.

And when Aizawa returns a half hour later to retrieve Eri, he smiles a little when he finds her. Midoriya asks him to let Eri sleep at the dorms so she isn't disturbed, and he agrees, finding a spot to curl up in his yellow sleeping bag.

"I'm definitely making him babysit again," Aizawa mutters to himself before dozing off, leaving the dormitory quiet and content.


Author's Note: Woo hoo! Two fics in a day! My brain's actually working for once 😎✌️
Let me know if there's anything you wanna see me write for MHA. I love you all 💛🧡💚

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