And I know we weren't perfect but I've never felt this way for no one.

And I just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that I've gone.

She couldn't help but think back to the day she was at the beach, and Alex had found her. Seeing how much he cared broke her heart to a million pieces, knowing that he doesn't care like that anymore. He was so sincere, so calming. He was truly the only one who made her feel safe. Especially after what happened, when she thought she was at her lowest, he brought her straight back up. He was there when she really needed it but now where was he? She needed him and he was off with some other girl. She was angry, upset too and she wanted to show him that.

She also remembered the other beach day. The happiest day of her life. Their first kiss. The day they became a couple. Reya had never felt this way about anyone ever. And it hurt her so much to have to leave him. She didn't want to. It was torture. She wanted to stop right there end then stream and drive to his house. Ask for him back. Ask for his forgiveness. If he still even cared. He had someone new so probably not.

I guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me, yeah you said forever now I drive alone past your street.

Alex had no words. He was rendered speechless. He looked over at the chat. They figured it out. Heat raised to his cheeks leaving them a bright shade of red. He was ashamed. Embarrassed. He didn't know how to feel. He could see how Reya would hurting. She was struggling to get the words out will trying now to choke on her own sobs. He wanted more than anything to jump through the screen and comfort her. He missed her. He really did. He didn't think she missed him. The number of times he was left of read, call denied, messages not even read. He was worried but was losing hope. Then the blow to the heart. We can't be together anymore. He needed a distraction. Someone to take him away.

Red lights.

At red lights Alex and Reya would burst into full dance mode. Going crazy until the light changed green before pretending it never happened.

Stop signs.

The amount of times Reya would miss a stop sign due to vibing with the music too much.

I still see your face in the white cars.

Reya's car was white.

Front yards.

Alex's front yard where they had their first meet, first hug.

Cant drive past the places we used to go to.

Just the thought of all the places they had been together made her heart crumble. How simple places of happiness changed to places of pain and bad memories.

'Cause I still fucking love you babe.

She loved him.

She loved him and now he knew.

Alex's heart stopped. Did he hear that right? She loved him? All this time she loved him? She broke up with him but still loves him?

Sidewalks we crossed.

Sidewalks they'd walk on together by the coast, laughing or just walking in a comfortable silence.

I still hear your voice in the traffic.

The memories haunted her everywhere she went. Cars would drive past her window and she'd be flooded of all the times they spent together.

We're laughing. Over all the noise.

His laugh was so pure, loud but pure. Contagious too. His laugh made others laugh. His laugh was perfect.

God I'm so blue now we're through.

The memories made her knees weak, her body ache. She was in a permanent state of sadness without him.

'Cause I still fucking love you babe.

There it was again. She really did love him. The chat were in shock. They had got #Reya trending on Twitter. Series of tweets rolled in asking if she was okay. By now the whole chat knew what was going on. They figured it out, pieced all the pieces together. Other streamers got it too jumping to message Reya with their condolences.

I know we weren't perfect but I've never felt this way for no one.

And I just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that I've gone.

Cause you didn't mean what you wrote in the song about me.

Cause you said forever now I drive alone past your street.

Alex had tears starting to spill as he heard her voice shake as she went to a whisper. She was so broken. He was angry but couldn't help but want to comfort her. he had accepted the break up now this? His screen went black as the stream ended. He was left in silence and darkness. He didn't know what to do. Did he speak to Reya? Does he pretend he didn't see it? What is he supposed to do?

He wanted to go over and speak to her. Ask what it meant. Ask if it was true. Did she really still love him. If she did why would she break up with him with barely any explanation. Honestly he just wanted his best friend back. But it wasn't that simple.

Reya sighed as Elias ended the stream. He too was crying silently. She looked at him with a pained look.

"I'm proud of you Reya." Was all he said as he sat next to her. She rested her head upon his shoulder letting the tears splash onto his sweater. Soon enough she drifted into a light sleep.

Yeah you said forever now I drive alone past your street.

Oh my god that was an emotional rollercoaster.
Double update too you lucky guys

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1623 words.

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