Chapter 1 The First Caper

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A/N We're at Vile, A Kid like about 14 when Carmen Leaves Vile so just roll with it! Also, FYI, when Player and Carmen First meet, player is 14 so same age here people!


"Hey Y/N, are you ready?"

Gray asked me right before we dropped out of the helocopter. It was our First caper after graduation and I couldn't wait to get my hands on that pretty blue gem.

"Yeah, I'm ready."

I jump out of the helicopter and am falling towards the dig site. Gray, I mean Crackle, shoots me a smile when he jumps too.

I pull the cord and my parachute activates, I start looking for any witnesses that I need to take care of.

I Hit the ground and start looking around. I don't know where gray landed so I just look for the Gem.

After a few minutes I hear a chime in my earpiece.

Italic Font Is you, *these indicate it's in the earpiece*

*C/N, Crackle, come in. I have eyes on the eye. Get it? I have eyes on the EYE OF VISHNU?*

*Yes Le Chev, I get it. Where's the gem?*

*You're no fun C/N, it's near the worker with short red hair.*

*I see it*


*Hey guys? That "worker" with short red hair? That's black sheep I think!*

Crackle speaks up and gives us an awnser

Bolded is Crackle

*Yeah C/N, Black Sheep Jumped out of the plane with me and I don't know why she's here! Let's just get the gem and get out of here!"

I rushed over to Black sheep and the actual worker, I snatch the eye out of his hands and make a break twards the helicopter.

"No!" I can hear Black Sheep and that worker shout at me and I see Black sheep not far behind.

*C/N! Use your grappling hook!*

*Oh, Right!*

I shove the gem into my bag, Aim my hand at the helicopter and shoot.

Tigress, El Topo and Le Cheve were alredy in the chopper so it was me and Gray that the gang was waiting on.

I make it into the Helicopter in time and get congratulated from the group.

We look down and we see Gray getting chased by Black Sheep.

I screamed and he did.
He was pulled into the helicopter but Black sheep Managed to grab his leg.

I graduated top of the class so you can't blame my instincts for what happened.


I hit black sheep over the head with my bag and she was out like a light.

"Holy Crap Y/N!"

Gray was in shock while Tigress just smirked.

"It's fine, she'll live!"
Le Cheve pointed out while putting her in a sack.

"Hey, at least the Council will be happy."
The cleaners said.


When we got back everyone started clamoring around us while I hoisted Black sheep to the council's table.

I presented the Eye of Vishnu witch was hiding In my bag.

Then I opened the potato sack to reveal the short, red-headed, still unconscious, Black sheep.

There were gasps, A few whispers and then Countess Cleo Spoke.

She always favored me, when I was younger we played dress up together and as I grew up I would always give fashion tips to Cleo, witch she appreciated.

"C/N, please report back to your Dormitory while we discuss your actions In further detail."

Well, It Looks Like I might be in trouble.

Something Else (Player X Female Reader) -<COMPLEATE>-(Carmen Sandiego)Where stories live. Discover now