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Me and Caspian hugged our parents goodbye and made our way onto the Hogwarts express for our 6th year. We have been waiting to see our friends again, our summer was rather boring with our parents always being busy with their work.

"There are our favorite twins!" We heard someone say. We turned around to see Blaise peeking out of one of the compartments. "Hello to you too Blaise." I laughed. Caspian sat next to Diana. We are all sure that they have been messing around since the start of 5th year. 

"How was your summer?" Pansy asked. "Boring." Caspian said. I nodded. "Wheres Draco?" He asked. Blaise shrugged his shoulders. Then Leo and Draco walked in together. "Hello people." Leo said, making his big entrance as always. Draco sat down silently. 

"Hello beautiful girl." Leo flirted with me. I've been trying to get him off me since the 1st year. He's fancied me since and hasn't got the hint that I don't like him. "Leo, how many times do I have to tell you." I laughed. "Oh, you'll fall in love with me at one point." He smirked. 

Well this is my friend group and has been since day 1. Everyone calls us The Slytherins, considering were the group and have been, so we got our name. Although the first day we came, I made 'friends' with Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Harry Potter, but once I was sorted into Slytherin they practically ignored me in every way possible. Diana and Leo are the only people who aren't is Slytherin who disagree we are in the 'bad' House. 


I entered the great hall with Pansy and Diana. Leo and Diana always sat at the Slytherin table no matter what. Snape doesn't care really, which is very surprising but he made them an acceptation for them. 

"Diana, when are you going to admit that you have been snogging my brother?" I questioned. I saw her cheeks go slightly red. "Your blushing, we all know you fancy each other and have been messing around." Pansy smirked. I nodded. 

"What are you bothering her about now?" Caspian said, sitting down next to her. "Nothing, but you guys totally fancy each other." I rolled my eyes. 

Draco's Pov

I sat down next to Blaise and Leo in the great hall. My eyes roamed the room until they played upon Alex. I never noticed her very much until know. Don't get me wrong, she has always been pretty but over the summer she grew more curves. Her face was more defined and her eyes stuck out more, making her emerald green eyes glistening. Her smile was very intoxicating, making it hard not to smile when she does. 

Shit. What am I thinking. Stop it Draco!

"Mate, what are you staring at?" Blaise said, taking me out of my day dream. "Nothing." I simply said. "Your staring at someone. Who's caught your eyes?" He snickered. I rolled my eyes. 

I looked back at her. She was laughing, she looked so...angelic. So perfect.

She looked down at me. We both made eye contact then she looked away, looking a little flustered. Then she went back to talking to Pansy. 

Alexandra's Pov

After making eye contact with Draco I felt my cheeks were a little red. 

He was very attractive. I never really quite noticed until now. His frosty blonde hair that was always styled nicely. His blue hues that were very noticeable. He was very handsome, but he was so quiet and kept to himself all the time. He really did have a cold heart, but he had a disguise. He looked so angelic, but wasn't so angelic on the inside.

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