Part 2 - Rhea's house

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"Ooh I'm so excited you're coming home with me!" She did a little twirl and as she did her cheeks turned rosy and flowers flew around her? Am I high or something? Shit I should probably say something to her... 

"Uh, yeah me too. I missed you." That was a lie. There wasn't much to miss- I saw her all the time in my coma?  

Tears welled in her eyes again - fucking hell not again 

"Prachi- I- I don't even know how to tell you how my heart longed to hear that from you someday" Maybe don't then? Piano music started again and her eyes did that same glistening thing while she cried fountains? No like literally. Her tears arched up then down like a fountain. Dude this is getting so weird...


"Okay, here we are" She led me up 3 sets of stairs past rows and rows of tiny white doors with little circular windows, all lined up perfectly stretching across the sides of the building. She slid a key into the one marked 44 and swung it open. 

"It isn't much, but it's home" She was wrong- it was a lot. Everything. A cute little flat with 2 rooms and a gorgeous kitchen. I followed her into the room at the very back of the apartment, my room?

"This is going to be your room. I bought you extra blankets and everything! There's even a desk in the corner, but I doubt you'll be doing any homework for a while" Wait a minute, this room, this entire house, it looked so familiar? The concept of eating and sleeping on the floor in rooms with sliding doors, the people with their big eyes and flat shiny hair, the alleys all perfect and painted the exact same shade of grey... What was this? Why is it so familiar? 

"Prachi san! I brought you a box of all your old stuff. Your phone, your art supplies, your safety pin jar, all your drawings, your mangas, and I even found some of your favourite animes! Maybe these will help you remember, check 'em out later okay? But for now, let's eat." 


Rhea fed me so well... ramen from the best ramen place in town, sushi on the side, coffee jelly for dessert. Talking to her was nice. I missed out on so much. Rhea's a musician. She's in a band called "we're mega hot you all absolutely adore us". They're mega hot and we all absolutely adore them! I always knew she'd become a musician. 

"Alright, you should probably take a shower. Bet you haven't had one of those in forever" She was right, I hadn't and I definitely need one. 

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