"Brilliant." George said suddenly, a wide smile on his lips. "Though I wouldn't trust Freddie with that whole thing. Bit of a lightweight, this one." He chuckled, elbowing Fred in his side playfully.

"Oh and you aren't?" Fred asked with raised brows, watching his brother as he stumbled over a rock slightly. George was obviously drunk, his words had started to slur and his movements had become lazy. It also didn't help that he became more touchy the more the alcohol settled in his blood.

"Geminio." Olivia said again with a laugh, deciding to ignore the boys bantering. She handed the new joint to George and let out a happy squeal when her eyes found a cascade of Rocks they could sit at. She plopped herself down and sighed happily, taking yet another drag of the joint. Olivia herself was drunk too. She felt like the world had become fuzzy, and if it weren't for the fact that she knew the boys were twins, she probably would be inclined to think she was seeing double.

George sat next to her, his arm snaking it's way behind her and letting his hand hold on to her waist. Olivia sucked in a breath at the feeling. Surely it was just because he was drunk, but the feeling of his arm around her sent chills down her spine. Fred gave her a knowing look and she rolled her eyes hard at him. George was just drunk. The touches, the looks, it didn't mean anything. No matter how badly Olivia wanted them to.

George coughed loudly as he took another hit, his eyes watering as he did so. He motioned for the bag they brought, that set at Fred's feet. "Water..." he groaned, still coughing.

Olivia quickly rifled through the bag and grabbed a bottle, before spotting something interesting next to it. Olivia smirked, eyeing a bottle of the same stuff George had used to spike the punch at the party. Her mischievous side took control now. It was about time the twins saw exactly what she was capable of. They may have been the prank kings, but she was certainly a queen in her own right. She giggled and handed the bottle of love potion to George. George didn't seem to care either. He all but tore the lid off and closed his eyes, bringing it to his lips and taking a long swallow. Suddenly though, he stopped, eyes still closed as he removed the bottle from his lips. Even he couldn't help but laugh. "You little shite.." he chuckled, making Olivia burst out with laughter.

Fred watched, confused as to what was going on. Olivia handed him the bottle to read and he snorted loudly. "Sorry Georgie, but she's brilliant." He said with a laugh.

George's eyes stayed shut. "One of you going to give me the counter potion in there, or are you just going to keep laughing?" Goes to say, the laughter that fell from Olivia and Fred's mouths was answer enough.

George pursed his lips and shrugged gently. "Fine, but you better not give it to me at all, then, because I'm going to do my best to annoy the ever living shite out of our new trouble maker." Olivia paused at that, confused by what he was saying.

She looked to Fred, who wore a devilish smirk. "You did it to yourself, love."

All at once George's hands were grabbing her waist and pulling her on top of him. His eyes were still closed, but his hands slipped up her body, moving and feeling for whatever it was he was searching for. Olivia let out a shakey breath. Did he not know he was making every fiber of her being burn for him? His hands found her face, cupping her cheeks gently. That's when she figured out exactly what it was that George was doing.

"George no! Dont open them!" She let out with a loud giggle.

But before she could move out of his vision his eyes were on her, the golden flecks in them sparkling up at her and a soft smile playing his lips. "Hello beautiful." He crooned up at her, his thumb caressing her cheek.

All the air in Olivias body left her with that. She felt as though she couldn't breath, not when he was sitting there, so fucking handsome, looking back at her like she was the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. She shouldn't have given him that love potion. What did she think would happen? She was more hoping he would end up falling in love with a rabbit or something that made its way by. She was too drunk to have ever realized that his sights might be set on her.

"Looks like you two are going to have fun tonight." Fred decided, standing up and grabbing the bag, throwing it on over his shoulder. "I'll leave you to it." He said, throwing a wink Olivias way.

Olivia groaned at that. "Fred no, you give me that counter potion or else I.."

Fred raised his brow. "Or else what?" He smirked, backing away from where they sat. "No way Olivia." He laughed. "You really thought you could prank us without a little retaliation?" He scoffed and flashed her a quick smile. "Good luck with him. I'll see you in the common room." And with that Fred was gone, leaving her with George, who was still looking at her like he was absolutely in love with her.

Olivia slapped George's hand away before he could start playing with her hair. She let out a loud groan and tried to pull herself off of George's lap, but he held her there, his hands wrapping around her waist tightly.

She knew she wanted him, but not like this. Not against his own will. She couldn't give into him, or else she would always feel like she took advantage of him, and that was something she was not about to do. No matter how hard he made it for her.

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