The three of them decided to name him. Hiphop. It was a pretty damn good name, they all got a little too attached to him. They continued to play games until the sun began to set and they met up with the others.

Sadly that's when they had to leave. Tommy and Tubbo had a plane to catch at 11:00pm, turns out missing college for a week is a bad idea. So they were leaving early to not be totally exhausted for Monday. The rest of them where staying until Sunday night.
Eventually they got to the airport and had to say their goodbyes to the two British boys. Reya gave Tommy a hug first, struggling a bit because he was a whole foot taller than her.
"Goodbye Tommy it was nice to meet you," she said to him.
"Goodbye little Rey," he used the nickname he had given her the first time they spoke.
"I'm not little I'm like 4 years older than you."

Next she hugged Tubbo. Much easier as he wasn't a giant. She had to admit he gave the warmest hugs. It almost made her tear up.

The two boys left the group and they were all on their way back. Someone decided everyone was going to be depressed tonight and played a playlist full of sad songs. It's saying something when all of them knew every song. Despite all the sad music they all sang along as if it were 2000s karaoke.

The sky was dark and full of stars by the time they got back. It was beautiful. Cloudless. The moon was full and was illuminating the street around them. None of them wanted to sleep yet, they didn't want the trip to end so they ended up staying up just talking until one by one they fell asleep in the living room.

Since all of them were basically of age they may have had a couple drinks (okay they are all going to be at least 21 just for the purpose of this :)). It wasn't any proper drinking just a couple beers, while they chatted about everything and nothing. Reya had never gotten on so well with a group of people before, it was amazing.

It must've been around 1am when they are all started to fall asleep. Niki and Reya were first to fall asleep, they were snuggled together, it was pretty cute. The rest of them followed suit, turns out the dream team were snuggling too much to Karl's distaste. How dare his fiancé be snuggling with other men. How barbaric.


The next morning Reya woke up surprisingly early. The sunlight was flooded in the room dancing over her eyes. It took her a while to adjust to the bright light. Sitting up she noticed almost everyone was still sleeping, so being silent she slipped out the mess of people. George was the only other person so she decided to go find him. Perfect time to talk about Clay.

He was up in his shared room. The door was closed so she knocked quietly. He didn't answer at first but when he did he let her in. He was doing some last minute packing. Seeing him pack made her sad, she wished she could see her best friend for longer. A week was nowhere near long enough. Not enough to make up for the 4 years apart.

"Soooo George...."
"What is up with you and Clay?"
"Uh w-what do you mean?" He stuttered slightly.
"Do you like him? Every time anyone mentions him or something to do with him you blush just like you are now!"
He quickly turned to hide his cheeks but she already saw.
"What no of course not he's my best friend." He insisted.
"Come on George. I've known you since forever I can tell when you have a crush," It's true she's know him since she moved to England. She knew everything about him, well except this at the moment. He came out to Reya a year before she moved. She couldn't have been happier for him, she was so happy he could trust her enough to tell her that. And now to hear he might have a crush on Clay made her so excited for him.

"I don't have a crush on Clay.... I don't think?  I mean whenever I think about him I get a fuzzy warm feeling in my heart and I get butterflies in my stomach."
Reya smirked lightly. Yep. He had a crush.

"George I can confirm you like Clay!"
"Hey keep it down they might hear you!"
"Oh come on George I am almost positive Clay likes you back, he flirts with you all the time and when you flirt back do you not notice how shy he gets. He's definitely into you."

The time finally came for them to leave. Reya said her goodbyes to the boys, leaving niki for last. She took the slightly taller girl into her arms for a tight hug. It was nice to finally have a friend she could talk to about anything. She was going to miss Niki so much.
"I'm gonna miss you Niki,"
"I'm going to miss you too."


Liked by reyadoessing,nihachu @Georgenotfound: of course Reya and Niki passed out first————————@Reyadoessing: hey don't act like you, dream and Sapnap weren't cuddling last night ✋😌            @randomuser69 OOOH GET TOLD

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Liked by reyadoessing,nihachu
@Georgenotfound: of course Reya and Niki passed out first
@Reyadoessing: hey don't act like you, dream and Sapnap weren't cuddling last night ✋😌
           @randomuser69 OOOH GET TOLD


I'm actually sad the trip had to end although I think these chapters suck they were very fun to write :)
WHOLESOME NIKI MOMENTS. I say we ditch Alex and go for Niki.

1740 words.

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