"Sorry to interrupt", Steve's voice broke their conversation. Basil turned to face him. As all the gathered men put down their glasses. Steve smiled at them and continued. "The brass want me to take a team and take down the rest of the hydra bases in Europe. We have a map of their estimated locations and I'll need a small team to get in and out. Now I'll need the best men with me. Which is why I'm here with you". He looked around at them all, blue eyes calm but earnest.

"So let's get this straight"- Dum Dum started as his pint hit the table.

"We barely got out of the alive and you want us to go back?" Gabe interrupted.

Steve nodded. "Pretty much".

"That sounds", Month paused. "Rather fun actually". Next to him, Jim belched.

"I'm in".

Jacques let out a sentence of rapid French which Basil couldn't comprehend. (He was never very good at French). Gabe replied with his own softer words and Jacques let out a bark of laughter. He and Gabe shook hands. "We're in", Gabe stated with a chuckle.

"Hell I'll always fight", Dum dum shrugged. He drained the last of his beer and let the pint glass clank onto the table. "But you've got to do one thing for me".

"What's that?"

"Open a tab". The men all laughed and all offered up their empty pints.

Steve grinned and stood up. "I'm not carrying all that. Get them yourselves". There was a groan which dissolved into casual chatter as Steve strode away to the bar. Bucky followed him and after a second of debate, Basil stood up as well. He leaned against the bar on Steve's other side. Him and Bucky caging the blonde in. The bar surface was sticky with spilt drinks on his elbows but Basil still reclined against it casually.

"Another round", Steve asked.

"Where are they putting all this stuff?" The bar man said in astonishment.

"Americans", Basil shook his head at him. "Worst of all, American soldiers. Trust me and just give them the alcohol". The server's eyebrows raised and he buried off to fetch more pints.

"Told you", Bucky commented once the man left. He drained a glass of whiskey that Basil hadn't noticed him ordering. "They're all idiots". In the background he could hear someone play a piano.

"How about you?" Steve nudged Bucky with his shoulder. "Want to follow captain America towards the jaws of death?"

"Hell no". Bucky sighed. "I'm following a guy from Brooklyn who is too dumb not to run away from a fight. I'm following him". Steve smiled softly and the two of them shared a look. For a moment Basil was jealous. He wanted that friendship and strength with someone. He wanted that ability to completely trust and rely on another. The envy made his throat feel bitter. He snatched up a pint the server had placed for him and took a swig.

The action made Steve and Bucky blink. Both men remembering that Basil was there. "What about you Parrish?" Steve asked. "You in?"

Basil huffed and ran a hand through his curls. "Only because you're probably going to need a doctor on this mad quest". He shrugged and flashed Steve with a sly grin. "You're keeping the suit right?" Steve tipped his head back with a full belly laugh. Around him, Basil saw Bucky smirking into his drink. He winked at the blue eyed man and Bucky raised and eyebrow.

"You know what kid", Steve breathed. "It's kinda growing on me".

"Nope", Basil held up a hand. "Sorry Cap but I'm only two years younger than you and if you dare call me kid again then you can bandage your own wounds".

"Fair enough".

"Told ya Steve", Bucky chuckled. "Parrish doesn't take any shit".

"No I don't", Basil toasted Bucky with his glass and took a gulp. Around them, the bar seemed to fall quiet for a moment. The noise lowering in a wave as men stopped to stare. Basil put down his drink and turned to watch as a stunning dark haired woman in a red dress crossed the pub towards them. Instantly all three soldiers were on their feet as her heels clicked forwards.

"Agent Carter", Steve said lowly. Agent Carter eyed the gave Basil and Bucky a quick glance before her eyes narrowed in on Steve. Basil noticed that her lipstick was the same shade of her dress. It was the same brand his mother would sometimes wear.

"Howard's has some equipment for you to try, if you have some time in the morning", her voice was soft but had a sternness under them. She was a woman used to giving orders.

"I do", Steve replied. Basil watched as Bucky's eyes flittered between the Carter and Steve. He looked up and caught Basil's gaze, eyes slightly sad and confused. Basil rolled his eyes and made a subtle gesture. A flicked finger between Steve and Carter, then a slight pursing of the lips. Busky's eyes widened then narrowed as he realised. He pulled a face and Basil tried not to laugh.

The noise picked up again and Agent Carter's head turned slightly towards their table in the corner. "I see that your team is prepping for duty", she commented.

"Do you not like music?" Steve asked.

"I do actually". Her eyes were very dark in the dim lighting. Focus heavy on Steve's face. "I might after all this is over, go dancing".

"Then what are you waiting for?" Bucky asked, a slight snort in his voice.

"The right partner". She smiled slightly then turned away. "Have a good night captain". Then she was clicking away out of the pub. Steve staring after her with a dazed expression.

"Yes ma'm. I'll be there!" He called after her.

As soon as she was gone, Bucky was shaking his head in disbelief. "I'm turning into you", he huffed at Steve. "I don't believe this. I'm invisible".

Basil snorted with sniggers. Bucky frowned at him and Basil threw an arm around his shoulder to turn him back to the bar. "Come on Sarge. You're still a playboy, just let Cap have his moment to process".

Bucky turned to look at Steve again. He snorted, grin cracking his face. "Fair", he conceded. "I'll let him have this. Another two drinks over here!" He called. Basil laughed and downed the rest of his pint.


Stasis || Bucky BarnesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora