Chapter Eight | Change: Part One

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Carmen decided on making it up on the spot, "Fine," she gritted through her teeth, "I'm listening,".

"Perfect," Chief said, a wide grin spreading across her features, "Now, what exactly is the nature of your relationship with this man?".

Zari turned her tablet to reveal a sketch of Shadowsan, then swiped to show images of her and Shadowsan at various places.

Carmen sat back in her metal chair and propped her feet up on the table, "Oh, him? He's just a source of intel, an informant if you may,".

"You seem very chummy, it would be hard to believe you're only acquaintances," Chief did not seem very pleased with Carmen's answer.

Carmen sat back up straight and rolled her eyes, "Look, you asked for my answers and that's what I'm giving. If you don't want them, then I don't know what to tell you,".

Chief sighed and looked at Zari who understood and turned to the next slide. This next one was a sketch of Coach Brunt. Now Carmen knew exactly what to say.

"Ah, her. She was an old teacher of mine in high school," she said.

Chief gave her a look of annoyance and Carmen simply shrugged in response. Lastly, Zari swiped to reveal the last picture,

It was of Julia.

"Tell us," Chief said, starting to circle Carmen's chair, "What is your relationship with Miss Julia Argent?".

Carmen gulped, she couldn't lie here, ACME basically knew half the story already. Even if that was the case, and it was, why were they asking her this? They could be asking about VILE or who's side she was on, but instead they asked about Jules, why?

Carmen tried to steady her quivering eyes, "My relationship with Jules? What does that have to do with anything?".

"Everything Miss Sandiego," Chief said, placing her hands on the back of Carmen's chair, "You see, Julia doesn't belong with you. She's a noble agent, a woman of the law, not an elusive superthief,".

Carmen narrowed her eyes further, Chief wasn't right, but she wasn't wrong either, "She's not my prisoner, she may go whenever she pleases,".

"And that's the issue," Chief paused, "She doesn't".

Carmen couldn't stand these people, after all she did for them, they still saw her as an enemy, "And what of it? Maybe unlike some people, she realized that I'm not the bad guy here,".

"Why doesn't she leave Sandiego? What have you told her?" Chief says, whipping around and looking Carmen in the eyes.

What have I told her? Carmen thought back at all the things she'd ever told Julia. When she'd first met her, she'd basically flirted with her that train in Mumbai, and then at the fashion show in Milan, and also in Stockholm, jeez, how many times had she flirted with Julia before they actually got together? In Venice, she'd told her that she could join her when she was down. At their base she'd been there for her whilst training and helped her reach her best self. On the plane to Vienna she had told her that she liked her and they'd kiseed. In Vienna, they'd gone on a date and told Ivy and Zack about their relationship. Carmen has said so many things to Julia at this point, some important, some not. She didn't know what ACME wanted to hear, but she settled on one.

"I told her," Carmen began in a low, dreamy voice, as if she was off in another land, "I told her that if she wanted a home, somewhere where she could be herself, and be loved, she could join me," Carmen paused before she continued, "I told her there were risks involved with being involved with me, but she didn't care," she looked up at Chief's bewildered face as she finished, "I told her that I loved her, and that I'd protect her,".

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