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To love you, is to embrace you into my soul, so that we are now one.
To love my other flame; is to look at the other half of me.
Growing up we all read the silly books, or watch the films on teen romances, and that had always lead to them falling deeply in love with one others soul. But we never got to see the real type of love: the love that keeps you on your toes, the love that teaches you a lesson, the love that you shall always cherish deeply. We had never gotten to see that. I'll be honest with you, I would of never thought I was desirable to love, I felt like I didn't deserve any love. Until I met my Mr Darcy, throughout my life I have read hundreds of novels, most of them claiming that love; was the centre of the universe. From silly novels, to great big hardbacks, I thought that love was so silly and that the thought of being in love with one others being made you seem like the world was upside down. Although now most of us are probably in our later teen years, experimenting with others. Those others will teach us lessons, I will know that for a fact.
Do you ever sit there in the night, and think about that one special person, the one you know you can't imagine not being in your life. Imagine them now.
They trace they fingers across your back, pulling circles around you, calming you senselessly. Your person knows how much they mean to you, and how you crave for their every little touch. That one simple person could crash your harden walls up any second. They whisper those precious three words; 'I love you'.
Those words are everything to most, unless you don't like the big 'I love you', but more or less, everyone deserves love. Yes, even you my love. I know you'll probably laugh and think I'm some sort of delusional idiot and most likely click off this story, but you need to hear this...

I love you.

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