With the arrival of Snoke and the circulation of the legend of The Chosen One, it became imperative to have someone powerful enough alongside the new emperor, but who couldn't be directly related to the Jedi Wizards and the Resistance. Thus, at the age of 15 was born Kylo Ren, a cold-blooded and calculating man who let his uncontrolled hatred drive his dark magic to levels never seen before, earning the interest and reverence of Snoke, eager to have total control of the Kingdom.

The trip through the hospital resulted in a single blurry image and before Rey realizes it, they're already at the gates of the Imperial Tower. All the guards inside stop their activities and firmly stand as they advance in front of them, some letting out expressions of astonishment when recognizing them. All surfaces are made of polished glossy black marble, furniture is black steel, there're no chairs or signs, ensuring that intruders are lost within the depths of that great structure. Silence takes hold of that place, their footsteps reverberate strongly through the reception, Rose and Finn holding and guiding her to where Rey remembered was the primate elevator that led directly to the throne room.

When they finally reach the elevator, the double doors open and they're greeted by Governor Hux's hoarse voice: "But it's Lord Kylo Ren in the flesh." The elevator's empty, steel walls and flickering white light panels. Without responding, Kylo steps forward causing everyone to follow but suddenly the elevator doors slam shut.

"Armitage, I thought you wanted to see me, especially when the members of the court are desperate to cut your head off." Rey bristles hearing Kylo Ren speak so close, right behind her, as if he was her own shadow. Immediately the murmurs of the guards at the lobby reach them down the corridor, some daring to say out loud that they're willing to support any decision of the Imperial Court.

"My dear Kylo of course, I want to see you, but only you and the one who caused this unfortunate inconvenience." Hux's voice comes from the walls, like an ominous invisible presence.

"My Lord?" Although Kaydel's voice is perfectly measured and nonchalant, Rey can perceive the concern hidden behind that question.

"Lady Connix wait for me at the Imperial Court with the President Amilyn Holdo. Tell her that I'll soon meet with her to resolve this impasse once and for all." Kylo Ren sentences and Rey swears that he reduced the distance between them even further. "Lieutenant Tico, the sword." He adds with an annoyed tone. Wasting no time, the guards obey and leave with Kaydel.

When the sound of their footsteps gets lost in the immensity of the building, the elevator doors open again. "Welcome back Lord Kylo Ren, the once and only Right Hand of the Emperor." Hux's voice sounds louder inside the elevator.

Rey takes a deep breath as she feels Kylo's large gloved hands grasp her arm and harshly push her into the elevator, its doors closing immediately behind them, feeling the pressure on her shoulders as the elevator begins the long journey. She remains with her head down, while he pushes her to a corner, her entire body hidden under his immense figure. He doesn't release her, squeezing her tight, his anger flowing uncontrollably inside her.

"If possible, instead of throwing me back into the dungeons, kill me." Rey doesn't know why she says it out loud, but she does, closing her eyes in an attempt to appear in control of herself.

"WHAT?" Kylo's roars, his breath hitting hard the crown of her head. He's not just near her, he's literally hunched over her.

"Don't let me live..." Rey manages to say when an explosion of dark magic surges from inside Kylo paralyzing the elevator in the middle of its ascent. The force that surrounds her is incredible, she has never seen him use that power in that way, not even when he went to avenge her in Jakku. His gloved hand catches her chin and forces her to lift her face to him.

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