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Everyone knows of the pandemic that's going on. Having to social distance, have to keep masks on, minimize social gatherings.

Iwaizumi Hajime didn't appreciate the virus, but what he really took advantage of was the minimization of social gatherings. Iwaizumi wasn't one to gather with others. He just liked to study, work his bartending job, then go home and sleep. The only problem was that the mask hid his constant state of frown and made him more approachable.

And that brought him Kuroo Tetsuro.

They met on campus. They had an anatomy and physiology class together and they bonded over volleyball, although Iwaizumi barely considered it "bonding". It was more of a similar interest and Kuroo wouldn't leave him alone about it.

Eventually, he got to know all about Kuroo. He's going into the deep end of microbiology, researching bacterial specimens, leaning more towards medicinal research. He lives in an apartment complex bordering the campus grounds with his boyfriend, Kenma. Kuroo focused solely on his studies and didn't have a job, which made Iwaizumi question how he managed to pay for his apartment.

"Oh, Kenma pays for it!" He admits.

"And you just leech off of him?" Iwaizumi asks.

"I don't leech off of him. We came to this agreement. Kenma is this big-time video game streamer and he has a lot of subscribers. With that and people who just donate money to him, he manages to pay for everything. Once I started to specialize, he told me that he would take care of everything while I study." Kuroo props his arm up on the table, leaning his cheek into his hand. "I love him so much, really."

Iwaizumi hummed. He wished he could do school full-time and not have to worry about work. But that meant that he would have to commit to someone and he didn't know if he could do that right now. Plus having to meet someone and date? During this pandemic? No thanks.

Iwaizumi was dedicated to his studies and he hated his job, but it was very easy to make money, so he kept it, despite the pandemic. Kuroo's knowledge of him being a bartender though opened a whole can of worms that could have been avoided.

"You're a bartender?" Kuroo asked.

"No," Iwaizumi answered.

Kuroo smirked. "It's too late to rescind your statement. So, with all your bartending experience, do you go to like, personal events and stuff?"

"I don't do either, so don't get any ideas," Iwaizumi warned.

"I'm having a little get together with a couple of friends," Kuroo started.

Iwaizumi's eyebrows shot up. "In this pandemic?" He hummed in disagreement.

"It's just a small amount of people, it'll be fine," Kuroo dismisses with a wave of his hand.

"Is it going to be ten or less people?" Iwaizumi questions.

Kuroo turns, starting to collect his things as class was coming to a close. "Yeah, more or less," he mumbles under his breath purposely.

Iwaizumi sighs. "You know that it's like, illegal to have gatherings with more than ten people, right?"

Kuroo turns back to Iwaizumi. "First of all, not illegal, but not recommended. Secondly, I know of everyone's whereabouts so I am fully aware of everyone's exposure, or lack thereof. And thirdly," he punctuates by showing three fingers. "We will all be wearing masks. It'll be fine."

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